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Rating: 5.9 Fair
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 30-15 minutes

Created by: Donghoon Lee, Seung-won Jung

Published by: AURUM, Inc., Kod Kod, Visionary

Alternate Names: Block Buster, 블록 버스터


Block Go, first released under the name Block Buster after having been selected as an "excellent game" by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in Korea, challenges players to enclose point chips with their playing pieces.

The more point chips they collect, the more they score.

Players need to focus on expanding their areas to get more point chips, and they also need to block other players' blocks to interrupt getting point chips.

Placement of the blocks is extremely important and similar to the thinking in Go, which is why the game is called Block Go.

The chips on the board at the end of the game count as penalty points, so don't leave any behind!

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