At the turn of the 16th Century, King Manuel I commissioned Portugal's greatest artisans to construct grandiose buildings After completing the Palaces of Evora and Sintra, the king sought to build a Summer Pavilion to honor the most famous members of the royal family.
This construction was intended for the most talented artisans-whose skills meet the splendor that the royal family deserves. Sadly, King Manuel I died before construction ever began.
In Azul-Summer Pavilion, players return to Portugal to accomplish the task that never began.
As a master artisan, you must use the finest materials to create the Summer Pavilion while carefully avoiding wasting supplies. Only the best will rise to the challenge to honor the Portuguese royal family.
Object of the Game
To be the player with the most points at the end of the game. The game ends after 6 rounds have been played, and a final scoring has taken place.

Each player chooses a player board
Ain one player color (as indicated by the colored circle between the red and orange stars) and places it in front of them so that the side with the colored stars is face up. -
Place the Factory displays
Bin a circle around the center of the table:- In a 2-player game: place 5 Factory displays.
- In a 3-player game: place 7 Factory displays.
- In a 4-player game: place 9 Factory displays.
Place the scoring board
Cnext to the Factory displays. -
Put the round counter
Don the space for round 1. The counter indicates not only the current round but also the wild color for the round, which will be explained on the next page. In the first round, purple is the wild color. -
Each player takes a scoring marker in their color
Eand places it on the 5th space of the scoring board's scoring track. -
Fill the bag
Fwith the 132 tilesG. Draw 10 tiles blindly from the bag and lay them out at random on the supply spaces shown in the center of the scoring board. -
Fill each Factory display with exactly 4 tiles also drawn randomly from the bag. Put the bag aside for now.
Place the start player token
Hin the center of the table. -
Place the tower
Ibetween the Factory displays and the scoring board. -
Put the point, tokens
Jaside, they will be used during scoring.
Return any unused player boards, scoring markers and Factory displays to the box.
Game Play
Each round consists of the following phases:
- Phase 1: Acquire tiles
- Phase 2: Play tiles and score points
- Phase 3: Prepare the next round (this phase is not needed in the last round)
The youngest player begins and play proceeds clockwise order. Several turns will be played per round.
The Wild Color
In each round one of the 6 tile colors is a wild color. The round track shows in which round a color is considered wild.
Tiles in that color are helpful in that round because they may be used to replace tiles of any other color.
Note: If you have taken tiles in the wild color, they can only be used as wild tiles in the current round. In subsequent rounds, the tiles in this color are no longer wild, because the wild color changes every round!
Phase 1: Acquire Tiles
On your turn, you must pick tiles. To do so you have two choices:
Pick all tiles of the same color, which is not B) the wild color this round, from anyone Factory display and place them next to your player board. Move the remaining tiles from this Factory display to the center of the table.
If there are one or more tiles of the wild color on the Factory display, you. must additionally take exactly one of these wild tiles.
If there are only tiles of the wild, color on the Factory display you. have chosen, you are only allowed to take one wild tile. OR
Pick all tiles of one color, which is not the wild color in this round, from the center of the table and. place them next to your player board. If there are one or more tiles of the wild color in the center of the table, you must additionally take exactly one of these wild tiles.
If there are only tiles of the wild color in the center of the table, you are only allowed to take one wild tile.
If you are the first player m this round to pick tiles from the center of the table, take the start player token, placing it next to your player board.
Move your scoring marker backwards on the scoring track as many spaces as the number of tiles you have picked this turn but no further backwards than space
If your scoring marker is already on the first space, you may still pick tiles from the center of the table without having to move your scoring marker backwards.
The Start Player Token
The player who has the start player token will be the first player to place their tiles on their board in Phase 2; and they will start the following round. This gives them the advantage of choosing tiles from the Factory displays first, according to the normal rules.
After placing the tiles you have taken next to your player board, play proceeds to the next player in clockwise order.
Turn Example
In round 1, the wild color is purple.
Ina picks both red tiles from a Factory display. Because there are no tiles of the wild colon she may not pick any other tiles. She then moves the remaining yellow tiles to the center of the table.
Andrea, takes a green tile from another Factory display. Because there are tiles of the wild color on. the display, she also takes a purple tile and moves the remaining two tiles to the center of the table.
Tom picks the three yellow tiles ' from the center of the table. He additionally takes a wild tile.
Because he is the first player to take tiles from the center of the table, he must also take the start player token and move his scoring marker 4 spaces backwards.
Phase 1 ends when all Factory displays AND the center of the table contain no more tiles. Then, continue with Phase 2.
Phase 2: Playing and Scoring Tiles
The starting player begins. When it's your turn, first check that you have the right number of tiles in the needed color next to your player board to play in a space.
If you have enough tiles, then place exactly one of these tiles on to the corresponding space of your player board. Discard the other tiles that were needed into the tower (see examples A and B on page 5).
Play then proceeds to the next player in clockwise order. This process is repeated until no player wishes to or is able to place more tiles.
Rules for Placement of Tiles:

You may only place tiles from those which are next to your own player board.
Tiles may only be placed on the diamond-shaped spaces on your player board. Do not place tiles on pillars, statues or windows.
You may only place tiles on empty spaces.
The spaces are arranged in a star shape. The color of a star indicates which color tiles may be placed there. The numbers on the space indicate the total number of tiles which are needed to be collected before you may place one single tile on that space. All other tiles that were needed to play on must be discarded into the tower.
On the star in the center of the player board, there are no restrictions to where each colored tile may be placed, but all 6 tiles placed must be different colors.
Tiles that you do not place during a turn should be kept next to your player board.
Wild Color Use
If you do not have enough tiles, or you do not want to use all your tiles of the needed color, you may use tiles of the current wild color instead.
In this case, you must have at least one tile of the color you want to place. All other needed tiles are then discarded into the tower.
Hint on the use of the Wild Tiles:
Wild tiles may replace any other chosen color. In this case, you must combine them with a tile matching the color of the space you wish to play on.
A tile of the wild color may never be placed on a space whose color it replaces. A tile of the wild color may only be placed onto a space of a matching color on the player board (for example, a purple tile on a purple space, see the example on the right).
Example:: Tom combines one or more purple wild tiles with his green tile, and places the green tile on space '4' of the green star.
If he does not combine his wild tiles with another color, he may use them for the star matching the color of the wild tiles, in this case purple.
In both cases, he could have placed the tile on the star in the center of his player board if this color is not yet represented there.

For each tile that you place on your player board, you receive one point. Move your scoring marker one space forward on the scoring track.
If you place a tile next to one or more connected tiles, you receive one point for each of these tiles. Only spaces that are next to one another on a star are counted as connected spaces.
The scoring track is continuous. If you pass 80 points, take a point token and lay it in front of you, so that you can record your total number of points.
An additional scoring bonus, in the form of additional tiles from the supply spaces on the scoring board, is received when:
you surround the 4 adjacent spaces of a pillar with tiles. You must then immediately take any one tile of your choice.
you surround the 4 adjacent spaces of a statue with tiles. You must then immediately take any two tiles of your choice. If available, these may both be wild tiles.
you surround the 2 adjacent spaces of a window with tiles. You must then immediately take any three tiles of your choice. If available, these may all be wild tiles.
Place the bonus tiles you received next to your player board. Before the next player's turn, fill up the empty supply spaces on the scoring board with tiles from the bag. If the bag is empty, refill it with all the tiles contained in the tower and continue to fill the empty spaces.
If you do not wish to or cannot place tiles on your turn, you must pass. You may choose up to 4 tiles from those next to your player board to keep into the next round. Place these on the four spaces in the corners of your player board. They do not score points.
Any other tiles you have left must be discarded into the tower, and you lose 1 point on the scoring track for each of these discarded tiles. You can no longer take turns in this round.
Phase 3: Preparation for the Next Round
This task is performed by the start player.

If you have not yet reached round 6, advance the round counter on to the next round, in which you will start.
If you are already in round 6, then move directly to the end of the game. Fill up the Factory displays with exactly 4 new tiles each, taken randomly from the bag.
If the bag is empty, refill it with all the tiles contained in the tower and then continue to fill up the Factory displays.
In the rare case that the bag is empty and there are no more tiles in the tower, start the next round as usual even though all the Factory displays could not be filled.
Place the start player token back into the center of the table. Now all players move any tiles they have collected in the corners of their player board, placing them next to their player board.
End of the Game
The game ends after 6 rounds. Then players check to see if they meet the following goals and adjust their scoring marker accordingly.

- If you completed the multicolored star (in the center of your player board), score 12 points.
- If you completed the red star, score 14 points.
- If you completed the blue star, score 15 points.
- If you completed the yellow star, score 16 points.
- If you completed the orange star, score 17 points.
- If you completed the green star, score 18 points.
- If you completed the purple star, score 20 points.
- If you covered all l's, score 4 points.
- If you covered all 2's, score 8 points.
- If you covered all 3's, score 12 points.
- If you covered all 4's, score 16 points.

After the final round, if you have tiles on the spaces in the corners of your player board that you haven't used, discard them into the tower and lose 1 point per tile.
Whoever has the most points is the winner. In the case of a tie, players share the victory.
Variant Play
For a slightly different play, all players turn their player board to the other side, showing the monochrome stars.
The rules are identical to those of the normal game, with the following exceptions:
During the game you, have the choice of which colors you place in the star shapes (for all 7 stars).
If you choose to make a multicolored star, all 6 tiles must have a different color, as m the normal game.
If you choose to make a single -colored star, all tiles must be the same color.
More than one star in a color, or more than one multicolored star, are allowed. You receive points for these stars as described in the normal rules.
Note that the numbers on the stars are different on the other side of the 'player board. "
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