When you Recruit Help, you place the card in front of you. Each Personality card will inform you how it is to be used.
Persistent - The effect described on the card is ongoing in nature. (P)
Once per combat - You can only use this effect when you are in combat. When you apply the effect on the card, rotate or flip it to show it has been used. Return it to its original state once combat is concluded. (C)
One-use - You can use the card at any point when you are the active player. After using the card, remove it from the game. (1)
End game scoring - The card will grant you additional Victory Points. (VP)
Note: One-use cards must be deployed before you run out of time, but Persistent ones could be triggered afterwards by other player's actions.
Description of the Personalities
Agent Davies (1)
You flip two Old One tiles of your choice so they are face up. Apply the same rules as if they had been revealed normally. You also take two Victory Points.
Alanza Castro (P)
Whenever an Old One attacks one of your Farms, it suffers two damage. If the Old One is killed, do not blight the Farm.
Alexander Proust (P)
Your Armoured Cars can take three damage before they are eliminated.
Billy Kneebone (P)
Increase the off-rail range of all of your Military Units by one.
Bombardier Milligan (C)
If you have Artillery present in combat, you inflict one damage automatically. If there is more than one Old One, you choose which to damage.
Boris Krupp (P)
Your Armoured Trains can take four damage before they are eliminated.
Captain Flounder (1)
Take one Military Unit of your choice.
Corporal Jones (C)
You can use this card after an Old One card has been flipped, but before its effects are resolved. You can choose to withdraw instead of resolving the effects on the card.
You can use this card to withdraw just your Airships or everything except your Airships. In this case, the effects on the card would still be resolved, but only for those units remaining in combat.
Count Jago (C)
You start each combat with four Sanity tokens instead of three.
Dagmar Krauss (P)
You can place two Farms of the same type in a single action, e.g. two Sheep Farms. You are still limited to placing three Farms in total.
Desta Danger (1)
You select one revealed Temple on the board to remove from play. Any Old Ones on the Temple tile are also removed. No Victory Points are scored for any of these removed tiles, even if damage had already been done to some of them.
Donald Mcdonald (1)
Take two Iron, two Coal, and two Gold from the supply and place them in your Warehouse.
Ferdi Cassan (1)
Place two Farms of your choice, following the usual rules. They do not cost Time Points. You still earn one Gold per Farm.
Colonel Khouri (C)
You inflict one damage on one Old One that you are fighting.
Franz Neumann (C)
If one of your Military Units is eliminated in combat, you can return it to your Barracks rather than losing it permanently.
General Takanashi (C)
Eliminate one of your units in your force to inflict two damage against the Old Ones. If you are fighting more than one Old One, you decide which ONE to inflict the damage against.
Harry Bones (P)
When you mine, you take one extra of the resource you have just mined. It comes from the supply. Does not apply to Phosphates.
Ivan Karpov (P)
If one or more Old Ones attack your Port, each immediately suffers two damage. If the Old Ones attacking your Port are automatically destroyed, you are still regarded as having fought a combat, so cannot use Kapena Alika to defend a Farm that may have been attacked at the same time.
Jenny Appleseed (1)
Flip one or two of your blighted Farms to their productive side. Jenny must be used before you reach 53 on the Time Track. In cooperative games you may flip another player's Farms.
Juliet Verne (C)
If you have an Airship present in combat, you inflict one damage automatically. If there is more than one Old One, you choose which to damage.
Kapena Alika (p)
If the Old Ones move on to one of your Farms, they cease moving. After all remaining movement has been resolved, you can perform an Attack action to send units to the hex before the Farm is blighted.
The Action is as usual, i.e. you must spend Time Points, place a cube in the Attack box, which may mean spending Gold. You cannot do this if you've reached 53 on the Time Track. All other rules apply.
Kitchener (1)
Take ONE Personality Card from the display.
Lady Carter (1)
Take four Coal from the supply and add them to your Warehouse.
Long Range Outback Group (1)
Inflict two damage on any revealed Old One (including Temples).
Lord Blackstock (1)
Take four Gold from the supply and place them in your Warehouse.
Lt Singh (c)
If you have Armoured Cars present in combat, you inflict one damage automatically. If there is more than one Old One, you choose which to damage. Note that you can damage a Temple in this way!
Luigi Caproffi (C)
Remove one Damage cube from one of your units. You must use this card after resolving the effect of the Old One card, thus you cannot stop damage from being inflicted.
Mad Johnson (VP)
Score one extra Victory Point for each Old One tile you have claimed. Note that this means you will not score bonus Victory Points for shared kills.
Mr Merino (VP)
Score one extra Victory Point for each non-blighted Sheep Farm you have on the board.
Mrs Bradshaw (VP)
Score one extra Victory Point for every three Railway tracks you have on the board.
Merinda Sweet (VP)
Score one extra Victory Point for each non-blighted Corn Farm you have on the board.
Professor Guyonne (P)
When you perform an Attack action, you reduce the Time Point cost by one, although the minimum cost is still one.
Tex McGuire (VP)
Score one extra Victory Point for each non-blighted Cattle Farm you have on the board.
Timothy Brassey (1)
Place two Railway tracks on your rail network. You must still spend one Coal and one Iron. All other rules apply, apart from the Time Point cost.
Yvette Quilla (1)
Take four Iron from the supply and place them in your Warehouse.
Zhu Xiang (P)
Your Airships can take three damage before they are eliminated.
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