Collapsing Capital tile bonuses always apply in addition to the respective standard Action.

Reduce the total cost of this Construct Action by one additional T, U or G (of your choice).

Reduce the total cost of this Construct Action by one additional N.

If you Construct a building (not Superproject) with this Action on the first/second/third building spot of its respective row, you receive 1/2/3 VPs.

If you Construct a Superproject (not building) with this Action, you receive an additional 2 VPs.

You may take an additional Construct Action.

You receive the Recruit bonus associated with your recruited Worker one additional time. If you recruit a Genius, you may choose a different bonus for the second time.

You receive a powered-up Exosuit in addition to the recruited Worker.

Gain 1 Morale in addition to the recruited Worker.

After recruiting the Worker, move all your Workers from the Tired column to the Active column.

You may take an additional Recruit Action.

You may set an additional die to the face of your choice when taking this Research Action.

You receive 2 VPs in addition to this Research Action.

After taking this Research Action, you may take an additional Construct Action. You may only construct a Superproject with this Action. If you take it with a Genius, you may treat it as an Engineer for the Construct Action.

You may return up to 2 Paradoxes from your Player board to the supply in addition to this Research Action.

You may take an additional Research Action.
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