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The hints below tell you the location at which you find the card, what you might combine it with, and more.

Adventure Card Hints

10: At location 501. Combine with 11.

11: At location 801. Combine with 10.

12: Combine 10 and 11 (entry 1011) to receive 12. Combine with 201.

13: At location 601. Combine with 20 and 25 (entry 132025), to open location 709.

14: Combine 10 with 701 (entry 10701) or 12 with 701 (entry 12701) to receive 14. Shows where two of the three bronze keys can be found.

15: At location 301. Can be used for purchasing items at 407.

16: Combine with 13 and 301 to receive 16. Adds 2 points to the chapter score.

17: At location 307. Combine with 509.

18: To be bought at location 407. Combine with 26.

19: To be bought at location 407. Combine with 608.

20: To be bought at location 407. Combine with 13 and 25 (entry 132025), to open location 709.

21: At location 607. Can be used for purchasing items at 407.

22: At location 309. Can be used for purchasing items at 407.

23: At location 809. Can be used for purchasing items at 407.

24: At location 107. Combine with 409.

25: Combine 17 and 509 to receive 25. Combine with 13 and 20 (entry 132025), to open location 709.

26: At location 509. Combine with 18 or 24, to get rid of this card.

27: At location 602. Decoder hint for 41 and 42.

28: At location 213. Combine with 502. Combine with 802.

29: At location 702. Combine with 605.

30: At location 302. Combine with 507.

31: Combine 30 and 507 to receive 31. Combine with 205.

32: At location 402. Combine with 38.

33: At location 303. Combine with 40.

34: At location 408. Combine with 104.

35: At location 312. Combine with 105 or 205 or 304 or 404.

36: At location 406. Combine with 49.

37: At location 383. Warns about traps (X).

38: At location 108. Combine with 32.

39: Combine 32 with 38 to receive 39. Combine with 55 to defeat the beast.

40: At location 102. Combine with 33.

41: Combine 33 with 40 to receive 41. 27 helps to decode. Gives hint to defeat the beast. 42: Combine 31 with 75 to receive 42. 27 helps to decode. Offers background story.

43: At location 606. Combine with 105 or 205 or 304 or 404.

44: Combine 24 and 409 to receive 44. Adds 2 points to the chapter score.

45: At location 204. Show how to navigate the sewer tunnel 311 to reach room O (left, left, right).

46: At location 111. Combine with 47 or 52 or 71.

47: At location 312.

48: At location 215. Combine with 50.

49 : At location 110. Combine with 36.

50: At location 611. Combine with 48.

51: Combine 36 and 49 to receive 51. Combine with 401.

52: At location 107.

53: At location 306. Necessary for the riddle at location 214.

54: Combine 48 and 50 to receive 54. Combine with 310.

55: Entering room K to receive 55. Combine with 39.

56: At location 411. Necessary for the riddle at location 214.

57: Combine 19 and 608 to receive 57. Adds 2 points to the chapter score.

58: At location 206. Combine with, for example, 28 or 36 or 51 to get rid of this card.

59: At location 106. Combine with, for example, 28 or 36 or 51 to get rid of this card.

60: Combine 51 and 401 to receive 60. Offers a distinct version of the game ending.

61: At location 311 going right, then left. Combine with 207.

62: Combine 61 and 207 to receive 62. Combine with 711. Offers a distinct version of the game ending.

63: At location 210. Necessary for the riddle at location 214.

64: At location 303. Adds 2 points to the chapter score.

65: Combine either 47 or 52 or 71 with 711 to receive 65. Adds 2 points to the chapter score.

66: Combine 54 and 310 to receive 66.

67: You automatically receive this card at the end of chapter 1.

68: You automatically receive this card at the end of chapter 2.

69: Combine 65 and 414 to receive 69. Adds 2 points to the chapter score.

70: Found in different, secret ways. Combine with 32 or 38 or 39.

71: Found in by different, secret ways.

72: Found in by different, secret ways. Warns about the crate with a trap.

73: Found in by different, secret ways.

74: Combine either 35 or 43 with 105 to receive 74. You will occasionally receive addi- tional information if he is with you.

75: Combine either 35 or 43 with 205 to receive 75. You will occasionally receive addi- tional information if he is with you.

76: Combine either 35 or 43 with 304 to receive 76. You will occasionally receive addi- tional information if she is with you.

77: Combine either 35 or 43 with 404 to receive 77. You will always have support when fighting if she is with you.

78: Drink the blue potion (125). Combine with 18 or 38 to get rid of 78.

79: Combine 34 and 104 to receive 79. This window hides a three-digit code: 347. Necessary for location 504.

80: Enter room D to receive 80.

81: At location 105.

82: At location 308.

83: At location 404.

84: At location 403.

85: Enter room M to receive 85.

86: Combine either 18 or 38 with 78.

87: At location 711.

88: At location 314. Combine with, for example, 36 or 51 to get rid of this card.

89: Combine 62 and 711. She heals you.

90: Enter room E to receive 90.

91: Feed a rat (46 or 111) to receive 91.

92: You automatically receive this card at the end of the game. Perhaps it will play a role in future Adventure games?

Location Hints

The hints below tell you what you might find at this location, what you might combine with it, and more.

101: Text with information.

102: Receive 40.

104: Combine with 34 to receive 79.

105: Combine with 35 or 43 to receive 74.

106: Trap. Receive 59.

107: Receive 24 and 52.

108: Receive 38.

109: Trap. Can be deactivated at 705.

110: Receive 49.

111: Receive 46.

112: Text with information.

113: Trap.

114: Text with information.

115: Trap.

201: Combine with 12 to reveal room C.

202: Reveal room H.

203: Trap.

204: Receive 45.

205: Combine with 35 or 43 to receive 75.

206: Trap. Receive 58.

207: Can be combined with 61 to receive 62.

208: Text with information.

209: Trap. Can be deactivated at 705.

210: Receive 63.

211: Trap.

212: Text with information.

213: Receive 28.

214: Riddle that can be solved with 53, 56, 63 and 711. Count the number of sides and then sort them in according to their size: 485. Then read entry 485214, to reveal room B.

215: Receive 48.

301: Receive 15. Can be combined with 13 or 20 or 25 to receive 16.

302: Receive 30.

303: Receive 33.

304: Combine with 35 or 43, to receive 76.

305: Text with information.

306: Receive 53.

307: Receive 17.

308: Receive 82.

309: Receive 22.

310: Only after room P has been revealed: Combine with 54 to receive 66.

311: 45 shows how to navigate the sewer to reach room O: left, left, right.

312: Receive 35 and 47.

313: Receive 37.

314: Trap. Receive 88.

315: Trap.

401: Combine with 51 to receive 60.

402: Receive 32.

403: Receive 84. Reveal room J.

404: Combine with 35 or 43 to receive 77.

405: Reveal room D.

406: Receive 36.

407: Here you can buy the following items for coins: 18, 19, 20.

408: Receive 34.

409: Combine with 24 to receive 44.

410: Text with information.

411: Receive 56.

414: Combine with 65 to receive 69.

415: Text with information.

501: Receive 10.

502: Combine with 28 to reveal room L.

503: Text with information.

504: Riddle that can be solved with 79. The blue parts of the window show the number 347. Then read entry 347504 to reveal room K.

505: Trap.

506: Text with information.

507: Combine with 30 to receive 31.

508: Text with information.

510: Reveal room P.

509: Combine with 17 to receive 25.

511: Trap.

515: Text with information.

601: Receive 13.

602: Receive 27.

605: Combine with 29 to reveal room i.

606: Receive 43.

607: Receive 21.

608: Combine with 19 to receive 57.

609: Text with information.

611: Receive 50.

701: Combine with 10 or 12 or 17 to receive 14.

702: Receive 29.

705: As soon as room D has been revealed, the trap in the mask above the door can be deactivated.

706: Reveal room P.

707: Text with information.

709: Can be opened when you have all three bronze keys (13, 20, 25). Combine all three card numbers (132025) and read entry 132025.

711: Combine with 62 to receive 89.

801: Receive 11.

805: Reveal room E.

807: Reveal room G.

809: Receive 23.

If you are feeling stuck, read or re-read the hints for every adventure card and location available to you and make sure you have all the adventure cards that each location provides.

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