- 180 Trivia Question Cards
- 12 IDIOT! Cards
- 48 Brainiac Cards
- Playing Board
- Rules Sheet
- 6 Pencils and Pads
- 6 Player Pawns
- 6 Accusing Pawns
- 6 What's-My-Color?
- 1 Whose-turn-is-it? Black Pawn
Each player decides on a color, places both his ACCUSING pawn and his What's-My-Color? pawn in front of him and then places his PLAYER pawn on the space marked START on the board.
The What's-My-Color? pawn is used only to show which color is his during the game. Shuffle the IDIOT! and Brainiac cards together and place them face down beside the board. This is now the WHOAMI? deck. …