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  • 4 Tubes
  • 3 Connectors
  • Wobbly Worm Head
  • Neck Connector
  • Apple Base
  • 9 Rings
  • Rulebook

Object of the Game

A tasty red apple fell off the tree and rolled around and around on the ground. Out popped a Worm, and now he's all Wobbly! Be the first to get all three of your hoops over Wobbly Worm's head, and you win!

Adjusting Game Difficulty

You can adjust the difficulty of Wobbly Worm to better match the ages of the players. The more tubes you add, the greater the difficulty.

  • Younger players: Use 1 or 2 tubes
  • Older players: Use 3 or 4 tubes.

Game Play

A. Basic game for Younger Players

  1. Give each player a set of three same-colored hoops.

  2. Each player puts their hand on top of Wobbly's head, then takes one BIG step back away from Wobbly. Once you've taken your step back, stay put -- you can't move your feet!

  3. One player pushes the START button to make Wobbly Worm start to wobble! If you ever need to stop Wobbly, just press the button again.

  4. As Wobbly Worm moves around, his head will sway from side to side. Reach out and try to place one of your hoops over his head. Remember, you can't move your feet!

  5. Once you place one of your hoops over his head, try again with another. You can only have one hoop in your hand at a time!

End of the Game

First player to place all three of their hoops over Wobbly Worm's head wins!

B. Advanced game for Older Players

  1. Give each player a set of three same-colored hoops.

  2. Each player puts their hand on top of Wobbly's head, then takes THREE BIG steps back away from Wobbly. Once you've taken your step back, stay put -- this is your "Home Base" during this round.

  3. One player pushes the START button to make Wobbly Worm start to wobble! If you ever need to stop Wobbly, just press the button again.

  4. As Wobbly Worm moves around, his head will sway from side to side. Try to toss one of your hoops over his head while standing on your Home Base.

  5. If you toss all three of your hoops and none of them go over Wobbly's head, quickly pick up your three hoops, jump back to your Home Base position and try again!

End of the Game

First player to toss all three of their hoops over Wobbly Worm's head wins!

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