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Rating: 6.4 Fair
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 5-17 players
Playing time: 0 minutes

Created by: (Uncredited)

Published by: Outset Media


WHAT is a hilarious party game of who-said-what. Players are asked to write responses to humorous questions and situations, and everyone must guess who wrote what.

There is no need to be truthful, there is no need to be tasteful, feel free to be as silly or as funny as you want, honesty is not the best policy in this game.

WHAT is the perfect game for get-togethers and parties. Because players try to guess the author of only one response, game play is very fast.

Players spend more time with the fun stuff, writing and reading their responses.

With players trying to come up with the most comical and outrageous answers possible, WHAT? is absolutely the funniest fame you will ever play. The perfect game for get-togethers and parties.

The party game for groups can be played with friends or strangers. It's a great dinner party game when entertaining a mix of people because it opens up conversation regardless of whether people know each other.

And you don't even have to tell the truth, but if you do, they'll never know ... unleash the laughter and leave people wondering, "What were you thinking?!".

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