
- 1 gameboard
- 1 Cathedral (to be assembled)
- 12 Tower tiles (markers showing the rounds)
- 1 Oath Charter (starting player marker)
- 50 Action tiles
- 4 barges in player colors
- 52 seals in player colors
- 12 family crests in player colors
- 33 cards (English)
- 12 city coats of arms
- 8 Descendant tiles
- 26 coins
- 30 Ulm Sparrows
- 1 cloth bag
- 1 set of instructions in 2 parts: the basic rulebook, and the Ulm Chronicle with additional information on the game components and the theme
Object of the Game

Try to accumulate the most victory points through activities in different areas of city life in Ulm. Each round, you have three actions.
The game ends after 10 rounds.
Note Regarding The Instructions:
The instructions have been divided into two booklets in order to help you get started with the game more quickly.
This booklet presents the basic concept and the most important rules of the game.
The enclosed second booklet, the Ulm Chronicle, explains the details of the individual game elements, such as the cards, city coats of arms, etc. You can read about them as needed while you are playing the game. Be- sides this, there you will find some historic data and terms regarding the city's history.
Place the gameboard in the middle of the table.
Shuffle the 33 cards face down, and form a draw pile that you put on the card space.
Randomly choose 4 of the 8 Descendant tiles and put them face up on the Descendant spaces in the Oath House quarter.
Assemble the Cathedral and place it on the Cathedral space of the gameboard.
Shuffle the city coats of arms, face down, and form a stack that you put on the coats-of-arms space.
Randomly distribute 1 brown, 2 turquoise, 2 orange, 2 white, and 2 gray Actions tiles in the inner 3-X-3 grid of the Cathedral area.
Put one Action tile of each color in the loading docks.
Then throw the remaining Action tiles into the bag.
Place the coins and the Ulm Sparrows neXt to the game- board as a face-up supply.
Each player gets 1 barge, 13 seals, 3 family crests in his player color, 2 coins and 2 Ulm Sparrows as well as an Action tile drawn from the bag. Then he
- places his barge on the first Danube space;
- puts 1 seal as a counter on space 5 of the scoring track;
- lays down his remaining things in front of him as his personal supply.
The most reliable player becomes the starting player. He places the Oath Charter in front of him. Then he takes 10 of the 12 Tower tiles, stacks them (for the basic game, with the front - the side with the symbols - facing down), and places this stack of Tower tiles on the designated place on the Oath Charter. The remaining 2 Tower tiles are put back into the box.
Note: The basic game is played without the special function on the front of the Tower tiles. (The symbols of the individual Tower tiles are explained in the Ulm Chronicle).
Game Play
The game has one simple basic rule: Push 1 Action tile into the Cathedral area and carry out the 3 associated actions!
The game is played over 10 rounds. Each round proceeds in the following way:
At the beginning of the round, the starting player takes one Tower tile - as a counter for the round - from the Oath Charter and puts it on the Cathedral (with the symbol facing down in the basic game). This way, the Cathedral tower gets taller and taller over the game.
After that, the active player's turn proceeds as follows:
Draw 1 Action tile from the bag and push it anywhere into the 3-X-3 grid of the Cathedral area. (
Possibilities to push in a tile)
Carry out the 3 actions of the row you have chosen in any order you wish. The Action tiles in the inner 3-X-3 grid of the Cathedral determine the 3 possible actions; the 4th Action tile - the one that has been pushed out - doesn't give you any action.
Once you have acquired cards during the course of the game, you may play 1 hand card per round (at any time during your turn).
1. and 2. are always carried out by the player, but he may resign from using certain actions. 3. is optional.
Then you pass the bag with the Action tiles to the next player.
The Cathedral area and its actions
There are 5 different Action tiles, and the corresponding actions can be combined in any way, depending on how the disposition in the Cathedral area allows it. You always activate and execute only the 3 actions of the row into which you have just pushed in an Action tile.
Money Action

Take 1 coin from the general supply.
Clear-away Action

Take the pushed-out Action tile(s) (1 to 3) from any one side of the Cathedral area and put it/them down in front of you.
If there are 2 white Action tiles among the 3 activated Action tiles, you may clear away the tiles from 2 outer rows of the Cathedral area, etc.
Example: Stephen activated a white Action tile. He may now either take the turquoise tile
Aor the orange and the white tilesB.
Card Action:

In order to buy a card, you throw any 2 Action tiles from your personal supply back into the bag and take the topmost card from the draw pile. For 2 tiles of the same color, you may have a look at the two top cards, choose one of them and put the other face up on the discard pile.
Instead of buying a card, you may instead play an additional hand card (you are allowed to play one hand card per round anyway without activating an Action tile).
River Action

Move your barge forward 1 unoccupied space on the Danube. Spaces that contain other players' barges are skipped and not included in the count.
Example: 1 River action Joan.
Example: 1 River action Stephen.
Seal Action

Pay 2 coins into the general supply and place one of your seals on an unoccupied space in one of the two city quarters (north or south of the Danube) between which your barge currently is.
Then you get the corresponding privilege of that quarter (as shown on the gameboard) as a bonus.
Example: Stephen places a seal in the quarter north of the Danube and receives the respective privilege (here: he chooses 1 out 0/2 city coats of arms).
The meaning of the individual privileges can be looked up in the Ulm Chronicle, if necessary.
Note: You should consider that you need to push in your Action tile in such a way that you can make use of as many of the three actions as possible in a rewarding way It could happen that - especially with the Card action and the Seal action - you don't have the resources required (tiles or money) and thus can't carry out the action; in this case, the action goes to waste.
Rows that have already been pushed (i.e., that contain 4 tiles) cannot be pushed further, back or forth.

These rows can be reactivated only when the Action tiles outside the inner 3-X-3 grid have been cleared away - e.g., when a player has used a Clear-away action to take the Action tiles from one outer row of the Cathedral area.
As long as pushed-out Action tiles have not been taken by any- body, with every turn there remain fewer shoving possibilities for the players.
If the situation arises that it is no longer possible to push in a tile, all pushed-out tiles are thrown back into the bag.
The Cards
You can acquire cards in two ways:
2 Tiles = 1 Card
You can acquire cards during the course of the game through the Card action. In order to be allowed to take the topmost card from the draw pile, you have to activate the Card action and give up 2 of your Action tiles.

You throw these tiles back into the bag. If you give up 2 tiles of the same color, you draw the 2 top-most cards from the pile and choose 1 of them. The second card is put face up on the discard pile.
Example: Albert gives up 2 different tiles and takes 1 card from the draw pile.
1 Card as a Privilege
Besides this, you get a card as a privilege if you carry out a Seal action in the Town Hall quarter or Goose Tower quarter.

This is how the cards are used. All cards can give you one of two possible yields - depending on how they are played:
If you put a card on the discard pile, you obtain the upper bonus of the card during the game.
If you place a card in front of you, you obtain the lower bonus of the card at the end of the game.
All cards are played face up. Any cards that players still hold in their hands at the end of the game remain unused and are put on the discard pile.
Normally, you may play i hand card per round. If you want to play additional hand cards on the same turn, you need to activate the corresponding number of Card actions in the Cathedral area. For each Card action, you may either play one hand card or buy another card from the draw pile.
The individual (types of) cards are explained in more detail in the Ulm Chronicle.
The Danube
The river is navigable only in one direction. It is not possible to move backwards. A river space can't contain more than 1 barge. Other players' barges are jumped over.
Example: The red barge may move forward 1 space. There is the green barge. In front of this | is the blue one. That means the red barge ends up on the space in front of the blue barge.
The river divides the gameboard into a northern and a southern part. If you want to carry out the Seal action , you can choose between a southern or a northern city quarter, namely the two quarters between which your barge currently is.
Example: The owner of the blue barge can carry out a Seal ac- tioi either in the Oath House quarter or the Garden quarter.

The last 4 river spaces provide additional privileges; you immediately receive such a privilege if your barge ends up on one of these river spaces through the use of an Action tile or a card (each move triggered by an Action tile is executed individually; if triggered by a card, you advance your barge the total of steps at once).
At the end of the river, the rule that no more than 1 boat may be on a river space still applies. If you have already reached the end of the river, the River action is no longer of use.
The bridge across the Danube divides the reach of the river into two sections. For barges that haven't gone under the bridge by the end of the game, players get 1 minus point for each space that their barge is before the bridge. Barges that have passed the bridge give their owners 1 victory point per space.
Since opportunities for carrying out Seal action are limited in each quarter, it is important to plan your advancement on the Danube carefully.
End of the Game
You can score victory points during the game and at the end of the game.
During the game
It is possible to obtain victory points by play- ing cards onto the discard pile. What cards give you which points is shown on the cards themselves and in the Ulm Chronicle.
Seal actions in the Reichenauer Hof quarter give you immediate victory points.
City Coats Of Arms:
You get victory points when you acquire city coats of arms in the Leaning House quarter or in the Garden quarter. Each city coat of arms gives you immediate victory points.
City coats of arms with a golden rim make it possible to earn addi- tional points during the course of the game - see the "City Coats of Arms" section in the Ulm Chronicle.
Through the special ability of the City Guard, the owner of this tile can generate points when shoving an Action tile into the Cathedral area - see the section "The City Quarters and their Privileges" in the Ulm Chronicle.
The game ends after 10 rounds; then the final scoring takes place. The following things are taken into account:
the number of Ulm Sparrows you have in front of you;
the position of your barge on the river;
the cards that you have lying face up in front of you (cards still in your hand are put on the discard pile without scoring).

Ulm Sparrows:
For each Ulm Sparrow that you own, you score 1 Victory Point.
(For the use of the Ulm Sparrows as jokers during the game, see the Ulm Chronicle).
River Scoring (-1/+1)
Depending on how far you have advanced on the Danube, you get plus points or minus points. The bridge across the river is considered the dividing line.
Players with barges that still are before the bridge at the end of the game get deducted 1 point for each space that their barge is before the bridge. Players with barges that have passed the bridge by the end of the game gain 1 victory point for each space their barge has reached after the bridge.
Example: The red barge is lying 2 spaces before the bridge; there- fore, its owner gets a deduction of 2 points. The owner of the green barge, however, gains 5 victory points, since his barge is 5 spaces after the bridge.
Card Scoring
Cathedral Cards
3 points per Cathedral card; if a Cathedral is complete, +9 bonus points.
A complete three-part Cathedral is scored 18 points.
Trade Cards
3 points per Trade card; for a set of 3 Trade cards of one type (fustian, works of art, or commercial goods), + 6 bonus points; for a set of 3 different Trade cards, + 3 bonus points.
This set is scored 15 points in total.

1 x Fustian, 1 x Works of art and 1 x Commercial goods: This set is scored 12 points in total.

Chronicle Cards
See card texts and explanations in the Ulm Chronicle.
The player with the most points wins.
In case of a tie, the player whose seals are represented in more city quarters than those of any other player wins. If there is still a tie, the players involved share victory.
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