- 50 Cent - rapper (Curtis James Jackson)
- Aaron, Hank - baseball player, 2nd all-time career HRs.
- Abdul, Paula - pop singer/choreographer
- Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem - basketball player
- Achilles - mythological Greek hero from The Iliad
- Aesop - 6th century BCE author of fables
- Aiken, Clay - pop singer, former American Idol runner-up
- Aladdin - boy with magic lamp (1001 Arabian nights)
- Albert, Fat - cartoon character voiced by Bill Cosby
- Ali, Muhammad - boxer, former heavy weight champ
- Amidala, Queen Padme - character, Star Wars saga, Luke's mother
- Angel, Criss - magician, escape artist
- Angelou, Maya - Americ
- Antoinette, Marie - French queen, late 18th Century
- Aphrodite - Greek goddess of love
- Appleseed, Johnny - American folk hero
- Aquaman - comic book super hero
- Arc, Joan of - French heroine burned at the stake
- Armani, Giorgio - Italian fashion designer
- Armstrong, Louis - jazz musician (trumpet)
- Armstrong, Neil - astronaut; 1st man on the moon
- Armstrong, Stretch - gel-filled action figure
- Arnold, Benedict - revolutionary general and traitor
- Aslan - lion character in Chronicles of Narnia
- Assisi, Saint Francis of - Catholic Saint, loved animals
- Atlas - mythological Greek Titan; held sky on his shoulders
- Austin, Stone Cold Steve - celebrity professional wrestleran poet
- Avalon, Frankie - mid 20th-century pop singer with famed falsetto
- Aykroyd, Dan - actor/comedian (Saturday Night Live)
- Azaria, Hank - actor (The Simpsons)
- Baba, Ali - found treasure cave (1001 Arabian Nights)
- Babar - French children's books fictional elephant
- Bacchus - Roman god of wine/insanity
- Bacon, Roger - English empirical philosopher
- Baelish, Petyr 'Littlefinger' - Devious Master of Coin, Game of Thrones
- Baggins, Bilbo - small ring finding humanoid (The Hobbit)
- Balboa, Rocky - boxer (Rocky)
- Baldwin, Alec - Actor/producer
- Bale, Christian - British actor (Batman Begins)
- Bandito, Frito - animated advertising shill
- Banner, Dr. Bruce - turns into the incredible Hulk superhero
- Banks, Tyra - model/actress
- Barbie - Mattel toy doll icon
- Barkley, Charles - sports TV host/former NBA player
- Barnum, P. T. - Barnum & Bailey circus
- Bass, Lance - pop singer ('N Sync)
- Batali, Mario - American chef/restaurateur
- Bates, Kathy - actress, 'Misery', 'Titanic'
- Bates, Norman - Bates motel owner (Psycho)
- Batman - comic book superhero
- Bean, Mr. - British comedic character (Rowan Atkinson)
- Bear, Smokey the - animated fire-fighting spokesbear
- Bear, Yogi - bear, "smarter than the average"
- Beavis - animated MTV character
- Beckham, David - British soccer player (LA Galaxy)
- Beethoven, Ludwig van - classical composer
- Belcher, Tina - awkward teen daughter on TV's Bob's Burgers
- Belichick, Bill - NFL head coach (New England)
- Bell, Alexander Graham - inventor of telephone
- Bell, Drake - actor/singer/musician (guitar)
- Benz, Karl - automobile engineer
- Berra, Yogi - baseball coach/ former catcher
- Berry, Halle - actress (Monster's Ball)
- Bieber, Justin - Pop singer, songwriter, 'Baby', 'Sorry'
- Bigfoot - mountain monster; Sasquatch
- bin Laden, Osama - ex-leader of Al-Qaida terrorist organization
- Bird, Big - children's TV character (Sesame Street)
- Birdseye, Clarence - frozen foods mogul
- Bismarck, Otto von - Germany's "Iron Chancellor"
- Black, Jack - actor/comedian (School of Rock)
- Blackbeard - legendary pirate, Edward Teach
- Blaine, David - street magician
- Bligh, Captain - captain of HMS Bounty
- Blitzen - Santa's 8th reindeer
- Blondie - comic strip, Dagwood Bumstead's wife
- Bloom, Orlando - British actor (Lord of the Rings)
- Blunt, Emily - actress, 'Girl on the Train', 'The Devil wears Prada'
- Bogart, Humphrey - actor (Casablanca)
- Bon Jovi, Jon - 80's and 90's rock singer
- Bonaparte, Napoleon - French leader
- Bond, James - suave superspy
- Boop, Betty - 1930's animated cartoon girl
- Booth, John Wilkes - assassinated Lincoln
- Bo-Peep, Little - nursery rhyme shepherdess
- Borden, Lizzie - allegedly killed parents with axe
- Borgia, Lucrezia - renaissance Italian Lady; rumored poisoner
- Bourdain, Anthony - American author & chef
- Bowie, Jim - died at the Alamo; famous for his knife
- Boy, Beast - green, shape changing member of Teen Titans
- Boyardee, Chef - spokesperson for canned pasta
- Brady, Matthew - Civil War photographer
- Brady, Tom - NFL quarterback (New England)
- Brady, Wayne - comedian/TV personality
- Brady, Marcia - 70's TV character (The Brady Bunch)
- Braun, Eva - Hitler's mistress and short-lived wife
- Bravo, Johnny - cartoon character
- Brown, Dan - author (The Davinci Code)
- Brown, Charlie - Star kid of Peanuts comics
- Bryant, Kobe - NBA player (LA Lakers)
- Bucket, Charlie - title character, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
- Buddha - Ancient Indian philosopher; Siddhartha Gautama
- Bueller, Ferris - 80's film truant
- Buffett, Jimmy - musician (Margaritaville)
- Bull, Sitting - chief, Dakota Sioux
- Bumstead, Dagwood - comic strip husband of Blondie
- Bunny, Bugs - cartoon rabbit
- Bunyan, Paul - fictional folk hero lumberjack
- Burns, Montgomery - Fictional Springfield billionaire (The Simpsons)
- Burr, Aaron - US vice pres.; killed A. Hamilton in duel
- Butterworth, Mrs. - maple syrup spokesbottle
- Butthead - animated MTV slacker
- Caesar, Julius - Roman emperor
- Cagney, James - actor (Yankee Doodle Dandy)
- Calder, Alexander - mobile artist and inventor
- Caligula - Tyrannical Roman Emperor (37-41 AD)
- Campbell, Naomi - model/actress
- Capone, Al - 1920's Chicago gangster
- Captain Ahab - peg-legged Pequod captain (Moby Dick)
- Captain Canuck - Canadian comic super hero
- Captain Citrus - Official superhero of Florida
- Captain Crunch - cereal spokessailor
- Captain Morgan - Caribbean buccaneer
- Capulet, Juliet - Shakespearean heroine (Romeo & Juliet)
- Carell, Steve - actor/comedian (The Office)
- Carey, Mariah - pop singer
- Carnegie, Andrew - steel baron; philanthropist
- Carrot Top - comedian known for his mop of curly red hair
- Carver, George Washington - peanut scientist
- Casanova - Venetian adventurer and libertine
- Cash, Johnny - country singer (I Walk The Line)
- Cat, Cheshire - Fictional feline smiler (Alice in Wonderland)
- Cat in The Hat - Dr. Seuss' title feline
- Catwoman - villain, Batman's female foil
- Cerberus - three-headed Hades guard-dog
- Chamberlain, Wilt - record holding former NBA player
- Chance the Rapper - rapper, singer, producer, 'No Problem'
- Chanel, Coco - perfume magnate
- Chaplin, Charlie - silent film actor
- Charlemagne - Holy Roman Emperor of the West
- Charles, Ray - blind R&B singer/pianist
- Cheadle, Don - actor (Crash)
- Checker, Chubby - singer (The Twist)
- Cheese, Chuck E. - mascot for kids' pizza chain
- Chef, The Swedish - Muppet Show regular
- Chestnut, Joey - American competitive eater
- Chewbacca - Star Wars Wookie
- Chocula, Count - Cereal spokes vampire
- Christo - environmental artist, usually on grand scale
- Churchill, Winston - British prime minister (WWII)
- Cinderella - fairy tale girl with pumpkin coach
- Clarkson, Kelly - Singer, first American Idol winner
- Claus, Santa - Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, Pere Noel
- Clean, Mr. - bald cleaning product spokescharacter
- Cleaver, Beaver - 50's TV character (Leave it to Beaver)
- Cleopatra - Egyptian queen
- Clifford, The Big Red Dog - Children's book character
- Cobain, Kurt - Nirvana front man; deceased
- Cobblepot, Oswald 'The Penguin' - Batman Villain
- Cody, Buffalo Bill - showman of Wild West Show
- Colbert, Stephen - comedian/writer/actor
- Cole, Old King - merry old soul from nursery rhyme
- Colonel Mustard - board game suspect (Clue)
- Colt, Samuel - Gun inventor and industrialist
- Comanche - Horse; sole survivor, "Custer's Last Stand"
- Combs, Sean 'Puffy' - rapper
- Confucius - Chinese philosopher
- Cook, Captain James - British navigator and explorer
- Coolio - rapper
- Cooper, James Fenimore - author (Last of the Mohicans)
- Cooper, Anderson - journalist/author/TV personality
- Cooper, D.B. - Hijacker jumped from plane, never found
- Copernicus, (Nicolaus) - astronomer
- Corleone, Sonny - film mob family member (The Godfather)
- Cornwallis, General Charles - Surrendered British army at Yorktown
- Costner, Kevin - actor/director (Dances With Wolves)
- The Count of Monte Cristo - Swashbuckling hero of Dumas novel
- Cousin Itt - hairy TV character (The Addams Family)
- Coyote, Wile E. - Road Runner's cartoon nemesis
- Crocker, Betty - Spokesperson for baked goods company
- Crockett, Davy - 19th century frontiersman, died at Alamo
- Crow, Sheryl - pop singer
- Crusoe, Robinson - castaway (Robinson Crusoe)
- Cuban, Mark - billionaire, TV's Shark Tank, owns Dallas Mavericks
- Culkin, Macaulay - child actor (Home Alone) cummings, e. e. - poet with unorthodox style
- Curie, Marie - scientist (discovered radio activity)
- Curious George - Children's book monkey
- Custer, General George Armstrong - died in famous last stand
- Cyrus, Miley - teen singer/actress (Hanna Montana)
- _
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - renaissance man; artist
- Dali, Salvador - surrealist artist
- Dantès, Edmond - The Count of Monte Cristo (Dumas)
- D'Artagnan - swashbuckler (The Three Musketeers)
- Darth Maul - Star Wars Sith Lord
- Davis Jr., Sammy - singer/Rat Packer (Candy Man)
- Day-Lewis, Daniel - British actor (Gangs of New York)
- de Milo, Venus - armless ancient Greek sculpture
- De Niro, Robert - actor (Raging Bull)
- de Vil, Cruella - evil fur-wearer (101 Dalmatians)
- Degeneres, Ellen - talk show host, comedian
- Deen, Paula - Southern and home-cooking TV chef
- Depp, Johnny - actor (Pirates of the Caribbean)
- DiCaprio, Leonardo - actor (Titanic)
- Dick, Moby - great white whale
- Dickens, Charles - author (A Christmas Carol)
- Diesel, Vin - actor (The Fast and the Furious)
- Dillinger, John - 30's gangster, public enemy #1
- DiMaggio, Joe - former baseball player (Joltin' Joe)
- Doctor Octopus - Spiderman's 8-armed nemesis
- Doe, Jane - unidentified female
- Dogg, Snoop - rapper, tv celebrity
- Dolittle, Dr. - fictional Dr. talks to the animals
- Doo, Scooby - cartoon mystery solving dog
- Dora the Explorer - animated character on Nickelodeon
- Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan - author; creator of Sherlock Holmes
- Dr. Moreau - fictional Dr. created chimeras on island (H.G. Wells)
- Dr. Phil - pop psychologist, author
- Dr. Zaius - Chief antagonist in Planet of the Apes
- Dracula - vampiric Count (Bram Stoker)
- Draper, Don - Main character of Mad Men series, ad executive.
- Drew, Nancy - amateur teen sleuth
- Driver, Minnie - British actress (Good Will Hunting)
- Duck, Donald - Disney icon
- Dumas, Alexander - author (The Three Musketeer)
- Dumbledore, Albus - head of Hogwarts wizard school (Harry Potter)
- Dundee, Crocodile - Australian eccentric outback crocodile poacher
- Dylan, Bob - folk singer (Blowin' in the Wind)
- Dynamite, Napoleon - movie title character played by Jon Heder
- E.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial
- Earhart, Amelia - pilot; mysteriously vanished
- Earp, Wyatt - marshal (Dodge City & Tombstone)
- Eastwood, Clint - actor/director (Unforgiven)
- Edward the Confessor - English King 1042-1066; Catholic Saint
- Eeyore - donkey (Winnie the Pooh)
- Einstein, Albert - mathematical physicist
- El Greco - Cretan born painter; moved to Spain
- Elliott, Mama Cass - folk singer of The Mamas and the Papas
- Eminem - rapper
- Enya - Irish new age/celtic singer
- Erving, Julius - basketball player (Dr. J)
- Escher, M.C. - Dutch graphic artist
- Fabio - Italian male fashion and romance novel model
- Fats, Minnesota - famous billiards player
- Favre, Brett - former quarterback (Green Bay Packers)
- Federer, Roger - Swiss tennis pro
- Ferdinand the Bull - children's book flowersmelling bull
- Fergie - pop singer (The Black Eyed Peas)
- Ferrari, Enzo - sports car magnate
- Ferrell, Will - actor/comedian (Saturday Night Live)
- Ferris, George - large wheel inventor
- Fett, Boba - Star Wars bounty-hunter
- Fey, Tina - comedian, '30 Rock', SNL, Amex commercials
- Fierstein, Harvey - actor/writer (Hairspray)
- Finn, Huckleberry - Mark Twain's young hero
- Fisher, Bobby - chess champion
- Fisher, Carrie - actress (Star Wars)
- Flanders, Ned - Homer Simpson's neighborino
- Flav, Flavor - rapper, reality TV star; (William Drayton Jr).
- Flay, Bobby - TV chef
- Floyd, Pretty Boy - 1930's bank robber, public enemy no.1 after Dillinger died
- Flynn, Errol - Swashbuckler actor (Robin Hood)
- Ford, Henry - inventor (assembly line); car mogul
- Foreman, George - heavyweight champion boxer and Grill Master
- Frankenstein, Dr. - Mary Shelley character; created a monster
- Franklin, Aretha - R&B Singer, songwriter, musician, 'RESPECT'
- Franklin, Benjamin - statesman; ('discovered' electricity)
- Freeman, Morgan - actor, 'Shawshank Redemption', 'Driving Miss Daisy'
- Freud, Sigmund - psychologist; founder of psychoanalysis
- Frog, Kermit the - muppet (Sesame Street)
- Frog, Michigan J. - Looney Tunes animated vaudeville frog
- Fu Manchu, Dr. - archetypical evil genius created by Sax Rohmer
- Fudd, Elmer - cartoon nemesis of Bugs Bunny
- Gadget, Inspector - cartoon detective
- Gaga, Lady - Flamboyant singer, 'Bad Romance','Poker Face'
- Galileo - 16th century astronomer; physicist
- Galore, Pussy - James Bond femme fatale
- Gandalf - Tolkien's wizard (The Hobbit)
- Gandhi, Mahatma - Indian independence movement leader
- Geddes, Anne - Australian photographer/designer
- Gellar, Sarah Michelle - actress (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- George of the Jungle - hero of cartoon/movie, parody of Tarzan
- George, Boy - 80's pop singer of band Culture Club
- Geronimo - Apache chief
- Ghost Rider - comic book motorcycling hero
- Giant, The Jolly Green - frozen vegetables spokescharacter
- Gill, Vince - country singer
- Gillespie, Dizzy - jazz trumpeter
- Gillette, King Camp - safety razor inventor
- Godiva, Lady - legendary naked rider of Coventry
- Goldberg, Whoopi - actress/comedian (Sister Act, Ghost)
- Goldfinger, (Auric) - James Bond super villain
- Goldilocks - fairy tale girl
- Golightly, Holly - Audrey Hepburn character (Breakfast at Tiffany's)
- Gollum - ring lusting creature (The Lord of the Rings)
- Goodyear, Charles - inventor (vulcanized rubber)
- Goose, Mother - nursery rhyme figure
- Gordon, Commissioner Jim - Head of Gotham Police, 'Batman'
- Grainger, Hermione - Harry Potter's friend
- Green Lantern - comic book hero with super power ring
- Gretzky, Wayne - hockey player (The Great One)
- Griffin, Stewie - precocious cartoon baby (Family Guy)
- Grinch, The - Dr. Seuss Christmas thief
- Grisham, John - author (The Firm, The Pelican Brief)
- Groban, Josh - singer/songwriter
- Grouch, Oscar the - trash can dwelling character (Sesame Street)
- Gumby - green claymation character
- Hades - Greek god of the underworld
- Hagrid - Harry Potter's large friend;
- +Hogwarts groundskeeper
- HAL 9000 - intelligent film computer (2001: A Space Odyssey)
- Hamill, Dorothy - Olympic gold medal winning figure skater
- Hamlet - Shakespearean title prince
- Hamm, Mia - soccer player
- Hammer, MC - rapper
- Hanks, Tom - actor, 'Forrest Gump', 'Big', 'Saving Private Ryan'
- Hannibal - Carthaginian General; fought the Romans
- Hari, Mata - WWI spy
- Harris, Neil Patrick - actor, How I Met Your Mother, Doogie Howser
- Harry Callahan, Dirty - Clint Eastwood detective "Do you feel lucky?"
- Hatter, The Mad - crazy tea party host (Alice in Wonderland)
- Hawking, Stephen - theoretical physicist
- Head, Mr. Potato - configurable toy spud
- Hefner, Hugh - Playboy mogul
- Heisman, John - collegiate football trophy namesake
- Hemingway, Ernest - author (The Old Man and The Sea)
- Hendrix, Jimi - rock guitarist/singer (Purple Haze)
- Henry the Eighth, King - King of England; had 6 wives
- Hermes - Greek messenger of the gods
- Heston, Charlton - actor (The Ten Commandments, Planet of the Apes)
- Hiawatha - legendary Native American leader
- Hickok, Wild Bill - gunslinger; US Marshal
- Hill, Faith - country singer, actress
- Hilton, Paris - hotel heiress and socialite
- Hitchcock, Alfred - director (Psycho, Vertigo, North by Northwest)
- Holiday, Billie - blues/jazz singer
- Holliday, Doc - gunslinger & erstwhile outlaw; Earp companion
- Holmes, Sherlock - English detective
- Hood, Robin - 13th century outlaw and skilled archer
- Hook, Captain - pirate nemesis of Peter Pan
- Hopper, Edward - artist/painter (Nighhawks)
- Horse, Crazy - Lakoda Sioux leader
- Houdini, Harry - escape artist; magician
- Hulk, The Incredible - comic book green goliath
- Humperdinck, Engelbert - pop singer
- Humpty-Dumpty - fairy tale wall sitter
- Icarus - mythological character who flew too close to the sun
- Ice Cube - rapper/actor (Boyz in the Hood)
- Ice-T - rapper/actor (Law and Order SVU)
- Idol, Billy - British hard rock singer
- Invisible Woman - comic book heroine (Fantastic Four)
- Iron Man - comic book hero
- Iscariot, Judas - disciple alleged to have betrayed Jesus
- Jack in the Box - child's toy
- Jackman, Hugh - Australian actor (X-Men)
- Jackson, General Stonewall - Confederate General
- Jackson, Michael - singer (Thriller)
- Jackson, Shoeless Joe - baseball player banned for life; "Black Sox" scandal
- Jackson, Janet - pop singer
- Jackson, Samuel L. - actor (Pulp Fiction)
- Jagger, Mick - lead singer (Rolling Stones)
- James, Jesse - outlaw bank and train robber of mid-late 1800's
- James, LeBron - NBA player (Cleveland)
- Jaws - great white movie shark
- Jemima, Aunt - pancake mix spokescharacter
- Jesus of Nazareth - Biblical figure, the Son of God
- Jetson, George - spacey cartoon character
- Jewel - pop singer
- Job - biblical figure, afflicted with many tribulations
- Joe, Bazooka - chewing gum comic character
- Joe, G.I. - comic book soldier
- Johansson, Scarlett - actress 'The Avengers'
- Johnson, Dwayne 'The Rock' - actor, professional wrestler, 'Baywatch'
- Johnson, Magic - former NBA star (LA Lakers)
- Jolie, Angelina - actress/model (Beowulf)
- Jonah - biblical figure; spent time inside a fish
- Jones, Indiana - archeologist (Raiders of the Lost Ark)
- Jones, James Earl - actor, voice of Darth Vader (Star Wars)
- Jones, Davy - name for evil spirit of the sea
- Jong-un, Kim - leader of North Korea
- Joplin, Janis - singer (Mercedes Benz, Me and Bobby McGee)
- Kafka, Franz - author (Metamorphosis)
- Kane, Citizen - powerful newspaper magnate in eponymous movie
- Kangaroo, Captain - children's TV host
- Keller, Helen - deaf/blind role model
- Kenobi, Obi-Wan - old Jedi knight (Star Wars)
- Kent, Clark - Superman's secret identity
- Kevorkian, Jack - crusader for euthanasia; "Dr. Death"
- Keys, Alicia - pop singer
- Khan, Genghis - Mongol leader
- Khrushchev, Nikita - Soviet premier "We will bury you"
- Kidd, Captain (William) - Scottish pirate/privateer
- Kidman, Nicole - actress (Eyes Wide Shut)
- Kimmel, Jimmy - comedian/TV host
- King, Jr., Martin Luther - nonviolent 1960's civil rights leader
- King, B.B. - blues guitarist
- King, Stephen - horror novelist, The Shining, The Stand, Carrie
- King Herod - biblical villain
- King Kamehameha - head of kingdom of Hawai'i (1782-1819)
- King Lear - Shakespearean title father
- King Solomon - biblical wise king, son of David
- Kipling, Rudyard - author (The Jungle Book)
- Kirk, James T. - Captain, Starship Enterprise (Star Trek)
- Kitty, Hello - Sanrio Co. cat character
- Klum, Heidi - German fashion model
- Knievel, Evil - motorcycle daredevil
- Knowles, Beyonce - pop singer
- Kong, King - large movie ape
- Kong, Donkey - video game ape icon
- Kool-Aid Man - fruity drink spokespitcher
- Kournikova, Anna - tennis player/model
- Kramer, Cosmo - bumbling neighbor (Seinfeld)
- LaBeouf, Shia - actor (Holes)
- Lama, Dalai - Tibetan Buddhists spiritual leader
- Lancelot, Sir - Knight of the Round Table, Arthurian legends
- Latifah, Queen - pop singer/actress (Chicago)
- Lavigne, Avril - pop/punk singer
- Lawrence of Arabia - WWI British desert hero
- Lazarus - resurrected by Jesus
- Le Pew, Pepe - Animated aromatic amorous skunk
- Lecter, Hannibal - cannibalistic character (Silence of the Lambs)
- Lee, Bruce - actor/martial artist (Enter the Dragon)
- Lee, Robert E. - Confederate army commander
- Lee, Spike - director, (Do the Right Thing)
- Leghorn, Foghorn - bombastic cartoon rooster with southern accent
- Leia, Princess - film heroine (Star Wars)
- Leibovitz, Annie - portrait photographer
- Lemon, Liz - TV's 30 Rock character played by Tina Fey
- Lemon, Meadowlark - basketball player (Harlem Globetrotters)
- Lenin, Vladimir - Russian Bolshevik leader
- Lennon, John - singer/songwriter (The Beatles)
- Lestrange, Bellatrix - Death Eater villainess in Harry Potter series
- Letterman, David - talk show host (formerly The Late Show)
- Li, Jet - martial arts actor (Lethal Weapon 4, Fearless)
- Liberace - flamboyant pop singer pianist
- Lightyear, Buzz - animated space hero (Toy Story)
- Lincoln, Abraham - 16th U.S. President, emancipated slaves
- Lohan, Lindsay - actress (Mean Girls)
- Loki - Norse trickster god, in movies, enemy of Thor
- Lolita - Nabokov title ingénue
- Longbottom, Neville - shy pal of Harry Potter, hero of Hogwarts
- Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth - author (Song of Hiawatha)
- Longstocking, Pippi - Swedish children's books hero
- Louis, Joe - heavyweight champion boxer
- Lovecraft, H.P. - gothic horror author (The Dunwich Horror)
- Lovegood, Luna - Loopy Hogwarts student, friend of Harry
- Lucas, George - director, (Star Wars, Indiana Jones)
- Lucky Luciano - New York mob boss. Father of modern organized crime
- Lugosi, Bela - actor (Dracula)
- Ma, Yo-Yo - celebrated violinist
- Macbeth - Shakespearean Scottish murderer
- Machine Gun Kelly - 1920's gangster; George Kelly
- Mad-Eye Moody - Professor of the dark arts, Harry Potter books/movies
- Mad Max - post-apocalyptic hero (The Road Warrior)
- Madden, John - football commentator/former NFL head coach
- Madonna - pop singer
- Magellan, (Ferdinand) - First explorer to circumnavigate the earth
- Magic Dragon, Puff the - folk song hero
- Magneto - First villain to face off against the X-men
- Malfoy, Draco - Harry Potter nemesis
- Man, The Gingerbread - fairy tale confection
- Man 'O War - possibly fastest racehorse ever
- Mandel, Howie - comedian/TV host (America's Got Talent)
- Manning, Eli - NFL quarterback (New York Giants)
- Manson, Charles - infamous cult leader ("The Family")
- Manson, Marilyn - metal singer
- Mantle, Mickey - baseball player; (NY Yankees) "The Mick"
- Marceau, Marcel - mime master
- Marley, Bob - reggae musician; rastafarian
- Marx, Groucho - comedian/actor (Duck Soup)
- Marx, Karl - author (Communist Manifesto)
- Mary, Typhoid - spread typhoid fever (early 1900s)
- Mayer, Oscar - hot dog magnate
- Mays, Willie - baseball player (NY/SF Giants)"Say Hey Kid"
- McClain, John - unlucky off-duty cop (Die Hard)
- McConaughey, Matthew - actor, 'Interstellar', 'Dallas Buyers Club'
- McDonald, Ronald - fast food spokesclown
- McDuck, Scroog - Disney's fowl rich miser
- McQueen, Butterfly - actress ("Prissy" in Gone With the Wind)
- McQueen, Lightning - anthropomorphic film racecar (Cars)
- Meat Loaf - melodramatic rock singer
- Medusa - mythical gorgon killed by Perseus
- Mephistopheles - master of the underworld
- Mercury, Freddie - front man for Queen
- Merlin - King Arthur's wizard
- Methuselah - biblical really old man
- Michelangelo - renaissance painter (Sistine Chapel)
- Mickelson, Phil - pro golfer; "Lefty"
- Midas - legendary king with 'golden touch'
- Ming, Yao - Chinese-born NBA center (Houston)
- Mini-Me - comedic little villain (Austin Powers)
- Miranda, Carmen - Brazilian singer with fruit-basket hat
- Miss Scarlet - board game suspect (Clue)
- Moneypenny, Miss - M's secretary (James Bond)
- Monk, Thelonious - jazz pianist and composer
- Monroe, Marilyn - actress/sex symbol (Seven Year Itch)
- Monster, Cookie - muppet dessert muncher
- Montague, Romeo - doomed lover (Romeo & Juliet)
- Montana, Hannah - persona of teen singer
- +Miley Cyrus
- Moon, Sailor - Japanese manga heroine
- Morgan, Dexter - Key character of Dexter show, forensics expert/serial killer
- Morrison, Jim - psychedelic singer (The Doors)
- Morse, Samuel - telegraph inventor
- Morton, Jelly Roll - jazz pianist/band leader/composer
- Moses - biblical patriarch, parted the sea
- Moses, Grandma - American painter
- Moss, Kate - ultra-thin fashion model
- Mother Nature - don't fool with her
- Mother Teresa - Saintly Catholic nun of Calcutta
- Mouse, Mickey - Disney icon
- Mouse, Mighty - cartoon mouse savior
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - classical composer
- Mr. Bubble - bath soap spokesbubble
- Mr. Fantastic - comic book hero (Fantastic Four)
- Mr. Hand - Mr. Garrison's puppet friend (South Park)
- Mr. Incredible - animated super hero (The Incredibles)
- Mr. Peanut - Planter's spokesnut
- Muffet, Little Miss - nursery rhyme girl; sat on tuffet
- Munch, Edvard - expressionist painter (The Scream)
- Mystique - X-men villainess
- Nation, Carry - hatchet-wielding temperance activist
- Noah, Trevor - comedian, the Daily Show
- Neeson, Liam - Irish actor (Schindler's List)
- Nelson, Baby Face - 1930's bank robber; Lester Gillis
- Nemo, Captain - submarine captain (20,000 Leagues Under the Sea)
- Nemo - animated fish hero (Finding Nemo)
- Neptune - Roman sea god
- Nero - Roman emperor; fiddled while Rome burned
- Neuman, Alfred E. - Mad Magazine mascot
- Neutron, Jimmy - boy genius, inventor of wacky devices
- Newton, Isaac - scientist; invented calculus
- Noah - biblical mariner; built ark
- Norris, Chuck - actor/martial artist (Missin in Action)
- Nosferatu - first film vampire (Nosferatu)
- Obama, Michelle - former first lady, big on fitness and health
- O'Brien, Conan - late night talk show host
- Oddjob - razor brimmed Bond villain
- O'Hara, Scarlet - southern belle (Gone With the Wind)
- Octopussy - James Bond femme fatale
- Ohno, Apolo Anton - short track Olympic medallist speed skater
- Old Yeller - title pooch who comes to sad end
- Oldman, Gary - actor (Bram Stoker's Dracula)
- O'Neal, Shaquille - NBA center (Phoenix)
- Olaf the Snowman - Snowman in Frozen
- Osbourne, Ozzy - hard rock singer (Black Sabbath), TV celebrity
- Oswald, Lee Harvey - Assassinated John F Kennedy
- Pacino, Al - actor (Scent of a Woman)
- Pac-Man, Ms. - 80's video game sprite
- Page, Jimmy - Guitarist and founder of Led Zeppelin
- Pagliacci - operatic clown in play within a play (Pagliacci)
- Paige, Satchel - hall-of-fame baseball pitcher
- Palpatine, Emperor - evil incarnate Sith Lord in Star Wars films
- Pan, Peter - leader of the lost boys
- Pandora - Greek myth, lets troubles escape her "box"
- Panther, Pink - jazzy but silent animated character; jewel thief
- Parker, Charlie 'Bird' - jazz saxophonist/composer
- Parks, Rosa - civil rights activist, 1955 Alabama
- Parton, Dolly - country singer/actress (9 to 5)
- Patrick, Danica - female Indy car driver
- Patton, General George - WWII general; "Old Blood and Guts"
- Pavarotti, Luciano - opera tenor
- Pele - Brazilian soccer player
- Pendragon, Arthur - King Arthur
- Perry the Platypus - Secret agent family pet on Phineas & Ferb cartoon
- Petty, Tom - classic rock singer (The Heartbreakers)
- Phelps, Michael - Olympian swimmer, most gold medals ever
- Phoenix, Joaquin - actor 'Walk the Line'
- Pickens, T. Boone - Billionaire oilman; mergers and acquisitions guru
- Pickett, General George - Confederate, led ill-fated Gettysburg charge
- Pierce, Hawkeye - Dr. at M*A*S*H 4077. (Alan Alda)
- Pikachu - anime creature; a species of Pokémon
- Pike, Zebulon - explorer/soldier; Pike's Peak namesake
- Pilate, Pontius - biblical Roman governor;"washed his hands"
- Pink - female pop rock singer
- Piper, The Pied - lead rats & children out of Hamlin
- Piper, Peter - "picked a peck of pickled peppers"
- Plato - Greek philosopher (Republic)
- Pluto - Roman god of underworld
- Pocahontas - Native American princess
- Poe, Edgar Allan - author (The Tell-Tale Heart, The Raven)
- Pollock, Jackson - abstract action painter "Jack the Dripper"
- Popeil, Ron - TV pitchman, founder of "Ronco"
- Popeye - cartoon sailor
- Poppin' Fresh - aka "The Pillsbury Doughboy"
- Poppins, Mary - magical English nanny
- Posh Spice - singer (The Spice Girls); Victoria Beckham
- Pot, Pol - genocidal Cambodian ruler
- Potter, Harry - best-selling title boy wizard
- Presley, Elvis - rock singer; "The King" (Jailhouse Rock)
- Prime, Optimus - Autobot leader (Transformers)
- Prince Charming - every little girls' dream
- Princess Fiona - ogre princess (Shrek)
- Private Ryan - WWII soldier whose brothers were killed
- Professor Moriarty - Sherlock Holmes' arch-enemy
- Professor Plum - board game suspect (Clue)
- Prometheus - brought fire to humanity (Greek myth)
- Pulitzer, Joseph - originated yellow journalism; prize namesake
- Punxsutawney Phil - weather predicting groundhog
- Puss in Boots - very clever nursery rhyme kitty
- Putin, Vladimir - Russian president
- Q - gadget-inventor for MI-6 (James Bond)
- Quasimodo - The Hunchback of Notre Dame
- Queen Elizabeth II - Queen of England
- Queen of Scots, Mary - rival to Elizabeth I for English throne; executed
- Quetzalcoatl - Aztec sky and creator god
- Quixote, Don - windmill fighter; "The Man of La Mancha"
- Racer X - Secret identity of Speed Racer's older brother
- Rain-In-The-Face - Lakota Sioux chief; helped defeat Custer
- Ramsay, Gordon - TV Chef (Hell's Kitchen)
- Rand, Ayn - author (Atlas Shrugged): developed "objectivism"
- Ranger, The Lone - cowboy hero "Hi ho Silver away!"
- Raphael - renaissance painter and architect
- Rasputin, (Grigori) - Russian monk and "mystic"
- Ray, Rachael - TV chef (30 Minute Meals)
- Redenbacher, Orville - popcorn magnate
- Reeves, Keanu - actor (The Matrix, Speed)
- Renoir, (Pierre Auguste) - Dutch Painter
- Rhames, Ving - actor (Pulp Fiction)
- Rhymes, Busta - hip-hop musician; Trevor Smith Jr.
- Richard The Lionheart - King of England, 1189; led 3rd Crusade
- Richards, Keith - Rock guitarist (The Rolling Stones)
- Richelieu, Cardinal - Chief Minister of France 1624-1642
- Riding Hood, Little Red - fairy tale girl who visits Grandma/Wolf
- Rihanna - Barbados-born pop singer
- Ripley, Lieutenant Ellen - Heroine of Aliens movies, played by Sigourney Weaver
- Robin, Christopher - Winnie the Pooh's human friend
- Robinson, Jackie - 1st black MLB player (Brooklyn)
- Robinson, Sugar Ray - great welter/middle weight boxer
- Rock, Kid - hip-hop musician; Robert Ritchie
- Rockefeller, John D. - oil magnate philanthropist
- Rockwell, Sam - actor (Galaxy Quest, The Green Mile)
- Rommel, Field Marshal Erwin - WWII German General; "The Desert Fox"
- Romulus - legendary co-founder of Rome
- Ronaldo, Christiano - Soccer player (Manchester United)
- Rose, Axl - Front man for Guns N' Roses
- Rotten, Johnny - English punk singer (The Sex Pistols)
- Rowling, J. K. - author (Harry Potter series)
- Rubik, Erno - mathematician; invented Rubik's Cube
- Rumpelstiltskin - fairy tale gold-spinning dwarf
- Ruth, Babe - baseball player (Sultan of Swat, the Bambino)
- Ryder, Winona - actress (Edward Scissor Hands, Stranger Things)
- Sacagawea - Native American guide (Lewis & Clark)
- Sade, Marquis de - author/libertine (The Crimes of Love)
- Saint Patrick - Patron Saint of Ireland
- Saladin - Moslem leader/general 1174-1193
- Salk, Jonas - discovered vaccine for Polio
- Sam, Toucan - Froot Loops cereal mascot
- Sam, Uncle - character representing US Govt.
- Sanders, Colonel - Kentucky Fried Chicken founder
- Sargent, John Singer - US portrait and landscape painter
- Saruman the White - Wizard, Lord of Isengard; (Lord of the Rings)
- Satan - the devil himself
- Saturn - Roman god of war
- Scarface - film character - Cuban 1980's drug lord in Miami
- Schiffer, Claudia - fashion model
- Schmidt, John Jacob Jingleheimer - song character, his name is my name too
- Schrödinger's Cat - quantum physics thought experiment
- Schwarzenegger, Arnold - actor/California Governor (The Terminator)
- Scissorhands, Edward - eponymous film character (Johnny Depp)
- Scorsese, Martin - director (Taxi Driver, Goodfellas)
- Scott, Dred - slave who lost case before Supreme Court
- Scott, Ridley - British director/producer (Blade Runner)
- Screech - teen TV character (Saved by the Bell)
- Scrooge, Ebenezer - miser and grouch (A Christmas Carol)
- Seabiscuit - champion thoroughbred race horse
- Seacrest, Ryan - TV host (American Idol)
- Seal - R&B/pop singer
- Secretariat - Triple Crown-winning race horse
- Segel, Jason - Actor, How I Met Your Mother, The Muppett Movie
- Seuss, Dr. - author (The Cat in the Hat) Theodor Geisel
- Shadow, The - radio show vigilante
- Shakespeare, William - playwright (Hamlet); "The Bard of Avon"
- Shakira - Colombian pop singer
- Shakur, Tupac - rapper
- Shankar, Ravi - sitar playing Indian musician
- Sharapova, Maria - tennis player
- Shredder - Archenemy of Splinter and Teen age Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Shrek - Title film Ogre
- Shyamalan, M. Night - writer/director (The Sixth Sense)
- Silver, Long John - peg leg pirate (Treasure Island)
- Silver - The Lone Ranger's horse
- Silverman, Sarah - Comedian, actress, Sarah
- +Silverman show
- Simmons, Gene - hard rock singer (KISS)
- Simpson, Homer - patriarch of animated
- +Simpson's family
- Simpson, O.J. - former NFL running back (Buffalo)
- Sirhan, Sirhan - assassinated Robert Kennedy
- Skywalker, Luke - Jedi Knight;
- +Star Wars hero
- Skywalker, Anakin - Luke's father; Darth Vader (Star Wars)
- Slim, Fatboy - English beat musician; Quentin Cook
- Smith, Will - actor/singer, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
- Smithers, (Waylon) - Mr. Burns' assistant (The Simpsons)
- Smurf, Papa - cartoon little blue elder (The Smurfs)
- Snape, Severus - Potions professor at Hogwarts (Harry Potter)
- Snicket, Lemony - Character narrator (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
- Snoopy - Charlie Brown's beagle (Peanuts)
- Snow, Jon - Game of Thrones character, son of Ned Stark...
- Snowman, Frosty the - jolly man of snow
- Snuffleupagus - elephant-like muppet (Sesame Street)
- Socrates - Greek philosopher
- Solo, Han - rogue pilot and hero (Star Wars)
- Sonic the Hedgehog - 90's video game hedgehog
- Sousa, John Philip - composer (Stars & Stripes Forever)
- Söze, Keyser - fictional criminal mastermind (The Usual Suspects)
- Spacey, Kevin - actor (American Beauty, The Usual Suspects)
- Sparrow, Captain Jack - fictional pirate (Pirates of the Caribbean)
- Spartacus - led slave rebellion against Rome
- Spears, Britney - pop singer
- Speed Racer - animated racecar hero
- Spicer, Sean - White House Press Secretary
- Spider-Man - comic book web-slinging super hero
- SquarePants, SpongeBob - ocean bottomdwelling cartoon character
- St. Valentine - catholic martyr and saint
- Stark, Arya - Game of Thrones, tomboy, youngest daughter of Starks
- Starr, Ringo - rock drummer (The Beatles)
- Stevens, Cat - folk singer
- Stewart, Martha - homemaker guru
- Stine, R.L. - author (Goosebumps series)
- Stitch - Disney animated alien character
- Stoker, Bram - author (Dracula)
- Stowe, Harriet Beecher - author (Uncle Tom's Cabin)
- Street, Picabo - Female Olympic gold medallist skier
- Styles, Harry - Pop musician, member of One Direction
- Super Mario - Nintendo video game character
- Sutherland, Kiefer - actor (Young Guns, 24)
- Swan, Bella - Twilight series heroine
- Swift, Taylor - country singer Tchaikovsky, (Peter Ilyich) - composer (The Nutcracker)
- Temple, Shirley - 1930's child dancer/ singer/actress (Bright Eyes)
- Tesla, Nikola - inventor/physicist/ electrical engineer
- Thatcher, Margaret - former British prime minister "The Iron Lady"
- The Abominable Snowman - monster of the Himalayas; Yeti
- The Barber of Seville - peratic character; Figaro
- The Bard of Avon - William Shakespeare
- The Big Bopper - 1950's singer; died in plane crash
- The Black Knight - fictional evil archetype
- The Bogeyman - embodiment of all childish fears
- The Boy Wonder - Batman's sidekick; Robin
- The Clown, Krusty - Springfield TV personality (The Simpsons)
- The Conqueror, William - victor at Hastings; 1st Norman King of England
- The Duke of Earl - Title character of Gene Chandler song
- The Earl of Sandwich - English Peerage title, namesake of the sandwich
- The Easter Bunny - egg-bearing harbinger of Spring
- The Elephant Man - Joseph Merrick; 19th century sideshow celebrity
- The Flash - very fast comic book hero
- The Flying Spaghetti Monster - Deity of the Pastafarianism social movement
- the Flying Squirrel, Rocky - Bullwinkle's sidekick
- The Good Witch of The North, Glinda - Helpful witch (The Wizard of Oz)
- The Gorton Fisherman - raingear clad fish stick spokesman
- the Great, Alexander - Ancient Macedonian general
- The Heat Miser - claymation Christmas villain (The Year Without a Santa Claus)
- The Human Torch - comic book hero (Fantastic Four)
- the Hun, Attila - Khan of the Huns; sacked Rome
- the Hutt, Jabba - space crime boss (Star Wars)
- The Invisible Man - HG Wells title sci-fi character
- The Jackal - leftist revolutionary terrorist Ilich Ramirez Sanchez
- The Joker - Batman nemesis
- The Keebler Elf - cookie spokeself
- The Kid, Billy - old west outlaw gunfighter, William H. Bonney
- The King of Spades - one of a deck cards in Wonderland
- the Knife, Mack - Character in Brecht's Threepenny Opera
- The Little Engine That Could - fictional choo-choo
- The Little Mermaid - Hans Christian Anderson heroine
- The Loch Ness Monster - legendary creature in Scottish lake
- The Lord of the Rings - Sauron Dark Lord
- The Man with the Yellow Hat - Curious George's friend
- The Marquis of Queensberry - endorsed popular set of boxing rules
- The Minotaur - Half bull, half man guardian of the Labyrinth of King Minos
- The Most Interesting Man in the World - Spokecharacter for Dos Equis beer
- The Muffin Man - Do you know the Muffin Man? The Muffin Man?…
- The Pillsbury Doughboy - Pop n' Fresh
- The Quaker Oats Man - Oldest spokecharacter, for oatmeal brand
- The Queen of Hearts - character in Alice in Wonderland
- The Queen of Sheba - biblical monarch who visited Solomon
- The Red Baron - Manfred von Richtofen WWI ace
- the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Rudolph - leads Santa's sleigh team
- The Riddler - Gotham city villain, likes puzzles
- The Riveter, Rosie - propaganda poster woman
- The Scarlet Pimpernel - Swashbuckling hero with a secret identity
- The Sand Man - Shapeshifting Spider-Man ally; or 'sleep bringer'
- The Silver Surfer - comic book superhero
- The Sphinx - ancient Egyptian temple guardian
- The Splendid Splinter (Ted Williams) - baseball player
- The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man - marshmallow mascot, 'Ghostbusters'
- The Sultan of Swat (Babe Ruth) - 3rd in all-time career homeruns
- The Sundance Kid - Old West outlaw, Butch Cassidy's sidekick
- The Swamp Fox (Gen. Frances Marion) - South Carolina Revolutionary hero
- the Tank Engine, Thomas - WV Awdry anthropomorphic train engine
- The Teflon Don - John Gotti, mafia Gambino family head
- The Thing - rock-like comic book hero (Fantastic Four)
- The Tick - absurdist comic book spoof hero
- The Tidy Bowl Man - toilet cleaner ad character
- The Tin Man - needs a heart (The Wizard of Oz)
- The Tooth Fairy - nymph who leaves money for teeth
- The Unknown Soldier - symbol of all unidentified war dead
- The Unsinkable Molly Brown - famous survivor of the Titanic disaster
- the Vampire Slayer, Buffy - film and TV teenage undead opponent
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Eric Carl character that becomes a butterfly
- The Virgin Mary - biblical mother of Jesus
- The Wicked Witch of the West - Broom riding villain from the Wizard of Oz
- The Wizard of Menlo Park (Thomas Edison) - prolific inventor (light bulb)
- Thing 1 - 1st of two of The Cat in the Hat's flunkies
- Thor - Norse god of thunder; super hero
- Throat, Deep - Watergate informant
- Thumper - Bambi's rabbit friend
- Thundarr the Barbarian - 1980's animated
- +TV hero
- Tigger - bouncy tiger (Winnie the Pooh)
- Tinkerbell - Peter Pan's fairy friend
- Tolkien, J.R.R. - author (The Lord of the Rings)
- Tony the Tiger - Kellogg's cereal spokestiger
- Torn, Rip - actor (The Larry Sanders Show)
- Troy, Helen of - focus of the Trojan war
- Trump, Donald - real estate mogul, US President.
- Tubman, Harriet - helped slaves via underground railroad
- Tuck, Friar - one of Robin Hood's merry men
- Tussaud, Madam - wax sculptor and museum entrepreneur
- Tutankhamun, King - ancient Egyptian Pharaoh; "King Tut"
- Twain, Mark - author (Tom Sawyer)
- Tyson, Mike - troubled heavyweight boxer
- Tyson, Neil deGrasse - charismatic celebrity astrophysicist
- Unabomber, The - mathematician and anarchist Ted Kaczynski
- Underdog - cartoon canine hero
- Underwood, Carrie - country singer, American Idol winner
- Underwood, Claire - wife of politician Frank Underwood on House of Cards
- Usher - R&B/pop singer; Usher Raymond IV
- Vader, Darth - sci-fi villain (Star Wars)
- Valdez, Juan - coffee advertising character
- Van Winkle, Rip - Slept for 20 years
- Van Gogh, Vincent - painter (Starry Night); cut off ear
- Villa, Pancho - Mexican revolutionary; chased by Pershing
- Voldemort - He who shall not be named,
- +Harry Potter villain Tom Riddle
- von Count, Count - muppet math lover (Sesame Street)
- Von Trapp, Captain - his family is portrayed in The Sound of Music
- Walker, Johnnie - Scotch Whiskey purveyor
- Waters, Muddy - Blues musician; "Father of Chicago Blues"
- Wayne, John - actor (True Grit, The Alamo)
- Wazowski, Mike - animated cyclops character (Monsters Inc).
- Weasley, Ron - Harry Potter companion
- Webber, Andrew Lloyd - musical composer (Cats, Evita)
- Webster, Noah - dictionary creator
- Wee Willie Winkie - insomniac Scottish nursery rhyme child
- West, Kanye - rapper and hip hop artist
- Who, Doctor - eccentric time travelling explorer
- Wiggum, Chief - incompetent Springfield police chief (The Simpsons)
- Wilde, Oscar - author (The Importance of Being Earnest)
- Williams, Venus Ebony Starr - Highly accoladed tennis player
- Winehouse, Amy - English singer/songwriter
- Winfrey, Oprah - actress, talk show host (The Oprah Winfrey Show)
- Winky, Tinky - member of the 'Teletubbies'
- Winnie the Pooh - bear from A. A. Milne books
- Witherspoon, Reese - actress (Legally Blonde)
- Woman, Wonder - comic book superhero with magic 'lasso of truth'
- Wonka, Willy - chocolate factory owner (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
- Woodpecker, Woody - wacky cartoon bird
- Woods, Tiger - highly successful pro golfer
- Woolf, Virginia - English writer (A Room of One's Own)
- Wormtongue - advisor to Théoden; spy for Saruman (Lord of the Rings)
- Wright, Frank Lloyd - architect, created Fallingwater
- Wright, Orville - early aviator (Wright brothers)
- Yankovic, Weird Al - parody singer
- Yoda - little green Jedi Master (Star Wars)
- Yukon Cornelius - prospector, friend to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
- Zappa, Moon Unit - Frank Zappa's daughter
- Zhivago, Doctor - Pasternak's title doctor/poet
- Zombie, Rob - heavy-metal musician, director (White Zombie)
- Zorro - legendary masked swordsman
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