On a fateful night, Loki the Trickster stole Odin's Crown. The wrath of Odin the
Allfather was so great, he summoned his son, Thor the Thunder God, to retrieve this precious possession. In so doing, he also bestowed upon Thor his prized ring of power and authority, Draupnir.
Loki had hoped for the opportunity to also steal Odin's Ring and has now gathered an army to do so. But Thor too has rallied an army of his own and the help from many Nordic gods.
A fierce battle rages on as both Thor and Loki vie to acquire both of Odin's treasures, for whosoever controls Odin's Crown and Ring will claim the throne of Asgard!

- Thor deck of 50 cards
- Loki deck of 50 cards
- 2 figures
- Instructions
Object of the Game
The players take on the roles of Thor and Loki and must use strategy and cunning to get their hands on Odin's treasures. By playing cards, they will create a battlefield to challenge their opponent.
The larger your side of the battlefield is, the more actions you have. Control the battlefield and find Odin's treasures to claim the victory! Thor wins when he finds Odin's Crown. Loki wins when he finds Odin's Ring.
A player also wins if their opponent cannot use all of their action points during a turn or starts their turn with no cards on their side of the battlefield.
The Cards

A Strength Value
Strength of the card. The higher the better. Some cards have no strength value.
B Mythological Symbol
Found on cards with special powers. Most of these powers are used by playing the card from your hand to your discard pile.
Some must first be played onto the battlefield for their power to be active. Some cards have no mythological symbol.
C Mythological Power
Description of the card's special mythological power.
D Quantity
How many copies of that card are in your deck.
1 Players choose who they wish to be: Thor or Loki. They then take the corresponding 50-card deck and figure. The players must sit opposite each other.
2 Each player shuffles their deck and draws 9 cards as their starting hand, which is kept hidden from their opponent.
The players place the remaining cards facedown as their deck.

Note: If a player draws Odin's Ring/Crown as one of their first nine cards, they show the card to their opponent, draw another card to replace it, and shufflle the Ring/Crown card back into their deck.
3 Each player chooses 3 cards from their hand of 9 cards and places them on the table facedown next to each other as their first row and initial cards played onto their side of the battlefield.

The Battlefield
As shown by the orange and blue spaces above, during the game players will add other cards to the battlefield. Each player may have up to 4 rows of cards. The card in the first row and the cards behind form a column. Each column can have up to 4 cards.
As such, players may have at most 12 cards on their side of the battlefield (i.e., up to 4 cards in each of the 3 columns).
Game Play
Starting with Loki, the players alternate turns.
On your turn, you have as many action points to use as you have columns at the beginning of your turn. This will be 1, 2, or 3 actions.
For example, if you start your turn with 2 columns, you will have 2 action points to use.
When you have your Thor or Loki card in play, you receive 4 action points regardless of how many columns you have.
You may take the following actions for the cost of 1 action point each:
- Draw a card.
- Play a card onto the battlefield.
- Challenge an opponent's card.
- Play a Mythological card.
You may take any specific action as often as you have action points to spend. These actions may be taken in any order.
For example, with 3 action points you may: draw a card, challenge an opponent's card, and then draw another card.
You must spend all action points you are allowed. Players cannot save action points for later or refuse to use them.
Note: If a player cannot use all of their actions or begins the game with no cards on their side of the battlefield, they lose the game.
Draw One Card
Take the topmost card from your card deck and add it to your hand.
When a player has exhausted his card deck, he may no longer use this action.
Note: At any time, a player may never have more than 12 cards in his hand.
Play a card onto the Battlefield
Play a card from your hand, facedown on your side of the battlefield.
You may play any card (i.e., with or without a strength value and/or a mythological symbol) onto the battlefield, but cards without a strength value may not challenge (see below) and will lose automatically if challenged.
When you play a card, you may place it in front, behind, or between cards in any column on your side of the battlefield. When you want to play a card in a row where another card lies, first move that card and any cards behind it backwards (towards yourself) to make room for the new card.
You need not fill in a row (with three cards across) before starting a new row in a column. Similarly, you need not fill a column before placing cards in another column.
Important: You may never have empty rows between cards in a column. If such a gap is created, the cards remaining in that column are moved foward to fill the empty row spaces.
Note that you may not voluntarily remove one of your cards from the battlefield. Therefore, your must carefully plan each card you play However, as indicated above, you may shift cards in a column by placing a new card. Also, some Mythological card actions allow a player to rearrange cards on the battlefield.
Players may look at their facedown cards on the battlefield at any time.
Challenge an Opponent's Card
Important: You may not choose this action during your first turn.
The Challenge
When the opposing columns from the two opponents both have cards, a challenge is possible. A player may not

A player is not obligated to initiate a challenge unless no other action is possible.
Only cards in the player's first row may normally challenge or be challenged. However, some Mythological card actions may allow a player to challenge cards in other positions on the battlefield.
Important: Once deployed on the battlefield, these cards may never initiate a challenge: a card without a strength value, Thor, Loki, Odin's Ring, Odin's Crown, Shield Wall, and Nightmare.
The player who initiates the challenge slides the challenging card forward (toward the challenged card). Then, both cards involved in the challenge are turned faceup (if any were facedown).
The card with the higher strength wins the challenge. The losing player puts the defeated card faceup on their discard pile. The winning card remains faceup in the first row.
When two cards have equal strength, both cards are discarded.
When a card loses a challenge and is discarded, the player moves the cards remaining in that column forward to fill the empty row spaces.
Play a Mythological Card
You may play a mythological card from your hand to use its special power. Once played, that card is placed in your discard pile.

End of the Game
The game ends in your victory when:
- Your opponents lose or discard Odin's Ring/Crown.
- Your opponent is unable to use all of his allowed action points.
- Your opponent starts his turn with no cards on his battlefield.
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