Top quality exact replica watches with free shipping worldwide and world class customer service.

Rating: 6.3 Fair
Players: 2-10 players
Playing time: 30-4 minutes

Created by: Nick Green, Jono Green

Published by: (Self-Published), Spin Master Ltd.

Alternate Names: Bock auf Socke?


In The Sock Game, two teams compete to grab all the right items first - but it's going to be tough to find what you're looking for as each team has a large fluffy sock that has thirty tiny items stuffed inside it.

On a turn, someone spins the spinner to see what the active players need to grab, then those people start digging.

Whoever finds it first scores a point, and whichever team scores eleven points first wins (as long as they're beating the other team by at least two points).

Retail Price:$0

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