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Rating: 4.9 Moderate
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 3-8 players
Playing time: 20-30 minutes

Created by: C. H. Dilek, Ş. Ç. Barlok, N. Tekin, Benedetto Gemma

Published by: dV Giochi


Each turn in The Great Persuader, two players - the "Persuaders" - try to convince another player - the "Customer" - either that their "bad" offer (e.g., "Working as a scarecrow") is good for him, or that their "good" offer (e.g., "Winning the lottery") is not what he is looking for.

The Customer listens to both Persuaders, then chooses the offer from one of them. In the meantime, all of the other players bet on which Persuader will prevail.

The goal of the game is to get the highest score, proving that you are the great persuader!

The Great Persuader includes 220 offers as well as ten rule variants for experienced players.

Retail Price:$0

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