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Rating: 6.3 Fair
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 3-8 players
Playing time: 15-216 minutes

Official Site: Homepage

Created by: Rikki Tahta, Ben Drummond, Zoe Lee

Published by: Angry Lion Games, Big Potato, Dal Tenda

Alternate Names: Le Caméléon, Kaméleon, Kameleon, 카멜레온


A bluffing deduction game for everyone.

Each round involves two missions, depending on whether you're the Chameleon or not.

Mission 1: You are the Chameleon. No one knows your identity except you. Your mission is the blend in, not get caught and to work out the Secret Word.

Mission 2: You are not the Chameleon. Try to work out who the Chameleon is without giving away the Secret Word.

At the beginning of the round each player receives a card that tells them if they are the Chameleon or hunting the Chameleon.

Two dice are rolled and this gives everyone (except the Chameleon) the coordinates to a specific word on a Topic Card - this is the Secret Word for the round. Each Topic Card features 16 related words (e.g. countries, books, food, etc).

Each player must now say a word relating to the Secret Word. The Chameleon can only make an educated guess based on the 16 words in front of them.

Retail Price:$0
UK Games Expo Best Party Game Winner 2017
Golden Geek Best Party Game Nominee 2017

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