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Rating: 6.5 Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 3-6 players
Playing time: 30-165 minutes

Official Site: That's a Question!

Created by: Vlaada Chvátil, Sören Meding

Published by: Cranio Creations, Czech Games Edition, DiceTree Games

Alternate Names: C'est Toute la Question!, Oto jest pytanie!, To je otázka, A Voi La Scelta!, Was 'ne Frage!


The party game That's a Question!, takes the familiar format of challenging others with questions, then voting on what they'll say.

In more detail, each player has a hand of hexagonal cards, with words or phrases in three color blocks on the card.

On a turn, you choose a player that has a token in front of them, take that token, then present them with a question by choosing one of the three question prompts (which are all color-coded), then choosing two cards from your hand and adding the properly-colored section of those cards to the question.

A sample question: "What would you miss more if it ceases to exist: Facebook or doors?" That player secretly votes on A or B, while everyone else but the questioner secretly votes A or B depending on how they think the person will answer; a voter can optionally add their 3x scoring token to their vote.

Once everyone votes, you reveal the tiles. Everyone who voted correctly moves ahead one or three spaces on the scoring track, and the questioner moves ahead one space for each person who voted incorrectly.

If you pass a certain space on the scoring track, you retrieve your 3x token (if you've used it). Since you can ask a question only of those with a token in front of them, everyone is asked roughly the same number of questions, and whoever has the most points after a certain number of rounds wins.

Retail Price:$0
Golden Geek Best Party Game Nominee 2017

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