Rating: 6.1 Fair
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 3-12 players
Playing time: 20 minutes

Created by: Fabien Bleuze, Yves Hirschfeld, Hervé Gourdet

Published by: Blue Orange Games, Cocktail Games, Galápagos Jogos

Alternate Names: Fairy Tales, Histórias, Sparala grossa, Speech, Tell Tale: Disney Princess


Tell Tale is an improv game based only on picture cards, with four different game rules:

  • Questions/Answers: Each player get eight cards and alternately asks another player a question based on a random picture card, and answers another player's question using another card.

  • Debate: Draw a random card to get a topic to debate; both players use five random cards to imagine convincing ? points to support their side.

  • Tell me a Story: Both players alternately imagine a very short story (one sentence per card) using five random cards each.

  • Same and Again: Same as the previous rule, except both players use the same set of five cards (shuffled between each player's story).

For all of these rules, the winner of the round is designated by the other players.

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