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Rating: 7.4 Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-2 players
Playing time: 20 minutes

Official Site: Subbuteo Home Page

Created by: Peter Adolph, Gary Keane

Published by: Borras Plana S.A., Es-Es-Es, FT Champs

Alternate Names: Pelebol, Sport Billy Football, Subbuteo Table Soccer, Subbuteo: Club Edition, Subbuteo: Dream Team Stadium


Subbuteo is a classic finger-flicking football-simulation action game. It is played on a large cloth playing field called a "pitch", with teams of miniature football players mounted on smooth round bases.

The football players are made to kick the ball by flicking their bases, which causes them to slide around on the pitch, hitting the ball. The rules simulate nearly all details of a soccer game including ball possession and passing, throw-ins, goal kicks and corner kicks.

There is even a large section in the rules devoted to fouling.

Far more popular in European countries than in the United States, this game allows collectors to buy teams of football players representing dozens of teams and countries from around the world, along with soccer stadium enhancements such as stands filled with cheering fans, referees that stand on the sidelines, even stadium lights.

Retail Price:$0

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