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Rating: 6.8 Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 1-4 players
Playing time: 60-114 minutes

Official Site: Starving Artists Game Site

Created by: Mike Wokasch, Vaughn Reynolds

Published by: Fairway 3 Games, LLC


There's no question: the life of an artist is hard. There's no paycheck to paycheck to live by.

What little money you do have you invest right back into paint. And without that paint, there's no way to follow your dream. Y

ou don't relish the idea of having to work at a desk, in front a computer, toiling away for some faceless corporate overlord. You really want to make it!

Starving Artists is a game for 2-4 players. It takes about 30-60 minutes (approximately 15 minutes per player).

In Starving Artists, you are a painter trying to be famous. In the game, paints are the only currency. On your turn, you can buy canvases, paint them or work for more paint. And, at the end of each round, players can put their completed paintings up for sale for more paint and food.

The game ends when shortly after someone is out or someone manages to paint enough paintings: either in value or quantity. Yes, you can become famous by flooding the painting marketplace.

Retail Price:$12

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