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Using the Winter Side of the Player Boards


Identical to the game using the summer side of the player boards, but use the winter side of your player boards; rather than having one day/night slot for each of levels 1-6, this side has two day/night slots each of levels 1-3.

Game Play

The game plays exactly the same way as the game using the summer side of the player boards, except for the following:

When you claim a Delivery tile, rather than simply placing it in the first empty matching (day/night) slot of your player board, you must choose which slot you wish to activate, respecting this rule:

A power can only be activated if there is already a lower-level power activated in the same row. In the same way, a second power at the same level can only be activated if there are already 2 lower-level powers activated in the same row.

Example: In order to activate a level-2 day power, you must already have a level-1 day power activated. In order to activate a second level-3 day power, you must already have two level-1 and two level-2 day powers activated.

  • On the winter side of your player board, you have only 6 storage spaces.

  • Over the course of the game, you can increase your storage capacity by two spaces, increasing your total to 8.

  • At the end of the game, day/night pairs of tiles do not earn gold stars.

Using Improvement Tiles


Identical to the game using the winter side of your player boards. Then, reveal as many level-1 Improvement tiles as there are players.

Form as many level-3 Improvement tiles as there are players by making random pairs of a day half-tile and a night half-tile (the powers of the two half-tiles must be different).

Starting with the last player and going in reverse turn order, each player chooses a level-1 or a level-3 tile. Then make a second round of selections, choosing the other level, so you each end up with a level-1 and a level-3 tile.

Each player places their 2 Improvement tiles on the spaces designated for this purpose on their player board, respecting the level (level 1 /level 3) and the type (for level 3, day half-tile/night half-tile).

Game Play

The game plays identically to the game using the winter side of the player boards, except that your powers have changed.

In order to activate the level-1 Improvement tile, you must have Delivery tiles on both sides of the Improvement tile; however, you can activate each level-3 half-tile independently: A Delivery tile on the night slot activates the night half- tile; a Delivery tile on the day slot activates the day half-tile.

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