Trains cannot be bought by any player until the "Trains may now be bought" event has occurred. Once this event has occurred the Build action may be used to buy a Train.
If a player decides not to pay the upkeep for a Train (see Resolving Events), return the Train card to the Engine Shed.
A player may not own more than one Train. A player can return a Train card to the Engine Shed during a Build action when buying a different Train. Put more Coal from the Supply Bag (if available) on the returned Train card, as indicated on the card.
No.1 L.A.D.A.S

Comes with one Coal. The owner may pay one Coal at the start of a round to gain a temporary Labourer for the round.
Whenever the owner carries out the Excavate action, the Labourer excavates at 2 more than the current Excavation Work Rate. The total can exceed the maximum rate on the board.
No.2 Enid

Comes with no Coal. The owner may pay one Coal at the start of a round to gain a temporary Labourer for the round.
Whenever the owner uses the Works action, convert 2 Iron Ore into a Steel Bar instead of 3.
No.3 Wyddfa

Comes with one Coal. The owner may pay one Coal at the start of a round to gain a temporary Labourer for the round.
Whenever the owner takes the Stock Yard action, take an additional cube from the Stock Yard, if available (still maximum of one Coal per action).
No.4 Snowdon

Comes with one Coal. The owner may pay one Coal at the start of a round to gain a temporary Labourer for the round.
At the end of the game this Train card adds 9 victory points to the owner's score.
No.5 Moel Siabod

Comes with two Coal. The owner may pay one Coal at the start of a round to gain a temporary Labourer for the round.
This Train card costs 1 Steel Bar less to purchase than most of the other trains. It also comes with 2 Coal cubes.
No.6 Padarn

Comes with one Coal. The owner may pay two Coal at the start of a round to gain a temporary Labourer for the round.
At the end of resolving the Build Action Area [E], if there has been at least one Build action performed this round by any player, the owner may perform an additional Build action.
No.7 Ralph

Comes with one Coal. The owner may pay one Coal at the start of a round to gain a temporary Labourer for the round.
You may Lay Track at a rate one more than the current work rate for that action. The total can exceed the maximum rate on the board.
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