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After your first game, you can add the special enemy cards to the game.

In order to do this, add the six cards of one type of special enemy into the enemy deck before creating the three equal-size stacks and adding the Master of Shadows into the middle one.

When first adding the special enemy cards it is recommended to start with the six dragons, then next game add the six phantoms, and finally the six giants.

If you are playing with a special enemy, then select "The Sword of Saints" (six power stones) or "The Crown of Kings" (seven power stones) for the adventure board at the beginning of the game.

Once you have successfully completed the game with one set of the special enemy cards, you can try adding two or even all three types of special enemies. If you are using multiple special enemies then you must select the adventure boards "The Crown of Kings" (seven power stones) or "The Jewel of Light" (eight power stones).

The Dragon

Dragons are unpredictable and they can inflict serious damage. But sometimes you will get lucky and the attack fails.

When a dragon is revealed, it attacks all the dice on the territories and the Vortex of Resurrection which show the same number as the one on the top right corner of its card.

There are dragons with the numbers 1 through 6.

Note: On the A-side of the desert territory, dice on the second and third section are not affected.

All affected dice are immediately moved to the Vortex of Oblivion. The card is then discarded, placed face up in the discard pile on the card holder next to the enemy deck, and is out of the game.

If no dice can be removed, then nothing happens. You got lucky this time.

The Phantom

The phantom can change its appearance. It can slip into the role of any enemy and attack like that enemy.

If the phantom is revealed, you first compare its rank with that of all other enemies that are exposed. All enemies with a lower rank attack again.

You then roll the territory die:

One Territory: If one of the four territories is rolled, then the phantom attacks that territory as if it were a normal enemy of that territory. Remove the necessary dice or inflict one damage on the territory.

All territories: The phantom attacks every territory as if it were that territory's normal enemy.

No territory: You were lucky! The phantom does not attack any territory.

Important: The phantom will then be placed face up next to the adventure board. It can attack again in the future using the territory die when an enemy with a higher rank or the Master of Shadows is revealed.

The phantom can be defeated like a normal enemy by placing any number of dice with a total value of six or higher on it.

The Giant

The giant is a powerful opponent. When he attacks, he devastates the land and inflicts permanent damage on the territory.

If you are playing with the Giant, you will need to set up the four end-of-game markers at the beginning of the game. Place these tiles on the skull symbols located on each territory.

When the giant is uncovered, all enemies with a lower rank (Ranks 1 and 2) attack again.

You then roll the territory die:

One Territory: If one of the four territories is rolled, then the K giant will inflict permanent damage on this territory. Move the end-of-game marker for this territory one hole to the left.

All territories: The giant inflicts one permanent damage to every territory. Move the end-of-game marker one hole to the left on every territory.

No territory: You were lucky! The giant does not damage any territory.

Important: The giant is now placed face up next to the adventure board.

It can attack again in the future using the territory die when the Master of Shadows is revealed.

The giant can be defeated like a normal enemy by placing any number of dice with a total value of six or higher on it.

When a territory has sustained permanent damage, then the damage track of that territory is shortened by one hole. The game ends when the skull is placed in the last available hole on the damage track.

The Blank Cards

The six blank cards are used to make your own special enemies with their own special rules.

You can decide whether you want to mix your special enemies with others in the enemy deck.

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