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Rating: 6.1 Fair
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 10 minutes

Created by: Yakov Kaufman, Haim Shafir, Yoav Ziv, Dynamo Limited, Kinetic, Dean MacAdam

Published by: Gamewright, Ravensburger Spieleverlag GmbH

Alternate Names: Ringo Flamingo


Flamingo overboard! Fling your lifesavers as fast as you can to ring them around the flamingos.

In the land of far-flung games, Ring-O Flamingo stands (on one leg) above the rest! As you frantically fling lifesavers, you'll not only be saving innocent flamingoes from imminent harm, you'll also improve hand-eye coordination.

But be careful where you fling or you'll be up to your neck in alligators! Ring up the most points and win this game of far-out flamingo fun!

While this is an extremely fast-playing game, accuracy counts more than speed. Take time to set up your shots and you'll be in the pink!

Retail Price:$0
Kinderspielexperten "5-to-9-year-olds" Nominee 2013
Boardgames Australia Awards Best Children's Game Nominee 2010

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