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Rating: 5.8 Fair
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 4-12 players
Playing time: 0-9 minutes

Created by: Jeff Foxworthy

Published by: PlayMonster


Relative Insanity is a party game created on the works of comedian Jeff Foxworthy.

In this party game, one player will read out a setup card and other players will then choose and play a punchline card to fill in the blank, hoping the reader chooses it as the best card.

Everyone has at least one crazy family member. If you don't think you do, then that means it's YOU! In Relative Insanity, you read a setup card aloud, like: "When my brother brought out his new baby to show the family, Granny blurted out…"

Then everyone else chooses one of their punch line cards to finish the phrase, like: "You are not the father!" or "Somebody took a trip to the land of bad decisions", etc.

In between laughter, the reader picks the funniest one to give that player a point! It's a different hilarious game each time you play! Features the humor of Jeff Foxworthy.

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