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The main objective of this activity is to learn how to classify and arrange the pieces depending on a common denominator.

The teaching sheet proposes several intermediate exercises to get pupils accustomed to the different pieces of the game and teach them to group pieces according to a common criterion.

Obectives of the exercises:

  • Exercise 1 a Familiarise pupils with the materials.
  • Exercise 2 a Recognise and describe characteristics of an item.
  • Exercise 3 a Recognise common characteristics shared by several items
  • Exercise 4 a Recognise if an item belongs to a group or not.
  • Exercise 5 a Group items according to an imposed criterion.
  • Exercise 6 a Solve easy logical problems by using notions of group, complementary and negation.

Once these exercises are complete, pupils will be able to play a game in its simplest version and will have achieved the following:

  • Knowledge objective: understand a rule.
  • Know-how objective : observation and concentration; categorisation; anticipation; formulation of long and short-term strategy.
  • Behavioral objective: respect for the opponent and the rules, communication.

The pupil sheet can be kept by pupils. it outlines the game rules and the vocabulary used in the game. The teacher sheet contains an exercise to introduce the game vocabulary.

Intermediate Exercises

Exercise 1: observing Quarto pieces

Find one or several piece(s) from imposed criterions.
  • Observe: teacher begins by asking a pupil to identify a piece by using one or more criterion. For example: « give me the tall, light, square and hollow piece ». In this exercise, the teacher names the criterion of the pieces, in order to get the pupils accustomed to them.

  • Portrait game: the teacher chooses a piece without showing it to the pupils. They now have to find it by asking questions. The teacher can only answer with «yes» or «no». In this exercise the pupils will use the descriptive vocabulary previously learned.

Exercise 2: classify and arrange Quarto pieces

Recognise and describe characteristics of an item.

By color: circle the light pieces.

By size: circle the small pieces.

By shape: circle the round pieces.

By filling: circle the full pieces (no hole).

By size and color : Circle the tall and dark pieces.

Exercise 3: find the common denominator between these 4 Quarto pieces

Recognise a common characteristic between several items.

All the pieces are:

All the pieces are:

All the pieces are:

All the pieces are:

All the pieces are: ____________and____________.

Exercise 4: Do these groups make a Quarto? Circle the right answer

A Quarto is a group of 4 pieces sharing at least one common characteristic : the color (light or dark), the shape (square or round), the size (small or tall), or the filling (full or hollow).

Recognise If An Item Belongs To A Group Or Not.

Exercise 5: choose a piece to create a Quarto

Gather together items according to an imposed criterion.

Circle a piece in the left group to complete the right group and thus create a line of 4 pieces sharing one common criterion.

Exercise 6: choose a piece to block the progression of the opponent

Solve easy logical issues by using notions of group, complementary and negation.

Choose and circle a piece from the left group in order that the right group does NOT form a Quarto.

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