For centuries the pyramid of Amenophis lay concealed deep in the desert sands and was believed to be lost. Now it has been exposed and four courageous treasure hunters venture inside to salvage its treasures.
However, the mummy of Amenophis cannot rest and wanders the halls. It is not exactly pleased that the researchers would like to take its furnishings.
Therefore, it throws every treasure hunter it finds in the dungeon. However, the treasure hunters can get free if they give the mummy one of the three valuable ankh symbols which they carry on themselves for protection.
Will one of the treasure hunters succeed in finding the requested treasures or can the mummy expel the intruders in the end?

- 1 magnet board
- 1 magnetic mummy figure
- 4 magnetic treasure hunter pieces
- 12 life tokens with ankh symbols
- 2 covering boards
- 5 treasure hunter dice
- 1 mummy die
- 23 mission cards
- Instructions
Object of the Game

One player takes the role of the mummy, all the other players are treasure hunters. Each treasure hunter receives orders to retrieve five different objects from the pyramid.
A treasure hunter wins as soon as they have found all their five objects. The mummy tries to catch the treasure hunters. Each time it has caught a treasure hunter it receives a life token (ankh symbol) from them.
The mummy wins if it collects a certain number of life tokens (depending on number of players).
Before the first game remove the cards, life tokens, and covering boards from the cardboard sheets.
The magnet board is put in the middle of the box insert. The board shows the same map of the pyramid on both sides. The players decide who plays the mummy.
Then the box is so placed that the mummy player sits on one side of the board and all the treasure hunters sit on the other side. The mummy player may not look at the other side during the game!
On the mummy's side the mummy's covering board is placed on top of the insert, on the other side the treasure hunters' covering board (with a picture of their camp).

Each treasure hunter chooses a color, takes the three ankh symbols of this color, and puts the matching magnetic piece on the start space [with the steps] on their side of the board.

The mummy player places the head of the mummy figure [the large piece] on the sarcophagus (also called the dungeon) on the other side of the board, and places the opposing magnet [the small piece] at the same place on the treasure hunter side of the board.
When there are fewer than four treasure hunters the remaining pieces and ankh symbols are placed in the box.

The mission cards are sorted by the colors of their backs and each of the five piles is shuffled.
Then each treasure hunter takes one card from each pile, which they keep hidden from the other players. The remaining cards are set aside without looking at them.
Now the mummy receives the mummy die, the treasure hunter dice are set out, and you are off!

Game Play
(for 3 to 5 players; the changes for 2 players are described later)
The player to the left of the mummy player begins and play continues clockwise. Thus first all treasure hunters play, then the mummy, then again all the treasure hunters etc.
Treasure Hunter Turn
- Reset the dice (possibly)
- Roll the dice
- Move
- Play a mission card (possibly)
1. Reset the dice
If there are dice with the mummy side showing left over from earlier turns, the player may reset them before his turn, in which case the mummy player immediately takes an interrupting turn (see the section on this later). Then the player will roll all five dice.
2. Roll the dice
The player rolls all the treasure hunter dice which do not have the mummy side up (at the start of the game the first player rolls all five dice). If they like the result, they move their piece accordingly.
Otherwise, they may roll again, but only with the cubes which do not have the mummy side showing after the first roll. This can be repeated as often as desired, but after every roll dice showing the mummy must be set aside.
3. Move
From the dice rolled the player selects one, the result of which (1, 2, 3, 4, or arrow) is announced to the mummy player. Then they move their piece that many spaces on the board. When moving, these rules must be followed:
A piece may be moved only horizontally and vertically (never diagonally). Changing direction is permitted.
During a turn the same space may be entered several times by going back and forth.
The full number of spaces chosen must be moved. If this cannot be done, the player must roll again. [Or choose another die?]
The walls and the space on which the mummy stands are obstacles and may not be entered or crossed.
One may not move on to the start space or the dungeon.
If the player chooses a number, other treasure hunters may be jumped over (counting their spaces, however). Only one piece may be on each space.
If the player chooses the arrow, their piece must be moved horizontally or vertically to the space in front of the nearest obstacle. In this case obstacles are the mummy, other treasure hunters, walls, the start space, and the dungeon.
When the arrow is used the piece must be moved, it may not stay on the same space

4. Play a mission card
If a treasure hunter ends their move on one of their mission card symbols, they may play the appropriate card, placing it face up for everyone (including the mummy) to see.
If a player plays their last map, they have won the game.
Example of a treasure hunter's turn:

It is the blue player's turn. From earlier turns there are two dice showing mummies.
He decides not to reset and therefore rolls only the othre three dice. He rolls mummy, I, and 2. He sets aside the mummy die.
He does not like the numbers, therefore he rolls again. He now has only two dice. The result; 1 and 4.
Blue announces that he will move four spaces. He moves to the red scarab. He has the mission card with the red scarab and places it face up in front of himself.
This ends his turn. The red player is now up and decides to reset the dice
The mummy player takes an interrupting turn (q.v)., then the red player will roll all five dice.
Mummy Turn
Normal Mummy Turn

(after the last treasure hunter's turn): The mummy played rolls the mummy die adds the number showing to the number of mummies on the treasure hunter dice.
The total indicates how many spaces the mummy may move. The mummy may move only horizontally and vertically, may not move through walls, and may not enter the start space or the dungeon.
If the mummy lands on a treasure hunter, the turn ends immediately and the treasure hunter is caught. The piece is placed in the dungeon and the treasure hunter must give a life token to the mummy.
If this was the player's last life token, they are out of the game. The mummy ends on the space where it captured the treasure hunter.
Important! After a normal mummy turn the treasure hunter dice showing mummies remain that way. They can be changed only if a treasure hunter chooses the Reset action.
Interrupting Mummy Turn
(after a treasure hunter has chosen the Reset action):
The mummy moves as many spaces as there are mummy symbols showing on the treasure hunter dice. The mummy die is not rolled, (in the earlier example the mummy, moving before the red player's turn, may move 3 spaces).
Otherwise the rules are the same as for a normal mummy turn. After the mummy's turn the treasure hunter who caused the interruption rolls all the treasure hunter dice.

End of the Game
The game immediately when...
Either a treasure hunter plays their last mission card. This treasure hunter wins the game.
Or the mummy has collected a certain number of life tokens.
The numbers are:
- 2 treasure hunters: 4 life tokens
- 3 treasure hunters: 6 life tokens
- 4 treasure hunters: 7 life tokens
In this case the mummy wins the game.
The Game For Two Players
The preceding rules apply with the following changes:
The treasure hunter uses two pieces and the life tokens of both. He or she draws 10 mission cards (2 cards of each color). A normal turn is taken for each piece (always in the same order). The mission cards can be fulfilled with either piece. Then the mummy takes a turn.
The treasure hunter wins when he or she has fulfilled all 10 missions, and the mummy wins when he or she gets 3 life tokens.
An important condition for the two-person game is that the treasure hunter plays honestly and does not cheat. But for a real adventurer is it a matter of honor in the end, or...?
Rules for special situations and tips
What happens if after a roll all five treasure hunter dice show a mummy side? The player loses their turn. The piece stays where it is. The next player must choose to reset, and the mummy player will take an interrupting turn.
If this happens to the treasure hunter who plays immediately before the mummy, the mummy player will take a normal turn (5 spaces plus the result of the mummy die) and then an interrupting turn (5 spaces).
A treasure hunter cannot move (not with 1,2, 3, nor 4, nor with the arrow), e.g., because they are enclosed on three sides by walls and on the fourth side by the mummy. The player must announce this. He or she does not take a turn and is entirely skipped (i.e. he or she may not reset or roll the dice).
The dungeon can be left by the treasure hunters in two directions (through the breaks in the walls).
Important: In order for the magnets to work well, all pieces should always be in the middle of their spaces. If the mummy enters a space with a treasure hunter, and the piece is not "caught" by the mummy piece, the treasure hunter still counts as being captured.
Mummy tip: At any time the mumy player may look at the backs of the remaining mission cards in order to see what colors each treasure hunter holds.
Treasure hunter tip: It is reasonable for the treasure hunters to play to help themselves in the early part of the game, but to help each other later on if the mummy threatens to win.
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