The novices are on the loose! Temptation has lured them out of their cells, and they hope not to be caught by the abbess and the prioress. But the guards are swift and their hearing is excellent, so it will take craftiness and a bit of luck in order to make it back to their beds without being caught!
- 1 six-sided die
- 1 rulebook
- novice log sheets
- 6 novice tokens
- 2 guard figures
- the board
- 16 noise / vanished tokens
- captured & turn markers
- 1 line of sight straight edge
- 66 Cards
Set the "noise / vanished" tokens next to the board. Place the U-shaped, turn marker on the "1" space of the turn track (at the upper right of the board). Place the "# novices captured" marker above the track. …