Each of the districts in the city of New Angeles is described in more detail below.
Guayaquil used to be the biggest city in Ecuador. Now it's the biggest slum in New Angeles. Whole sectors of the district are no-go zones for the NAPD, and even once-vibrant landmarks like Jack Weyland Arcology are showing their age and crumbling away.
But for all that, it's still the most populous district in the city. It's got the biggest port, it's still got some money, and so what if most of that money is in the hands of orgcrime? It's not like there's an appreciable difference between them and the corps, from the point of view of Jose Q. Publico.

The big, beating heart of Quinde is JQ Station, the enormous rail and tube-lev hub that feeds the factories of Quinde district. The district is its factories, its smelters, its power plants.
It sure isn't its human workers, who are more and more being replaced by androids. Hell, the androids are being built in one factory and walking across the street into the next to take another human job.
It's no wonder that Human First recruiters trawl the streets here, finding angry men and women to join their movement.
La Costa
It's easy to think that the biggest city in the worlds must be nothing but starscrapers, marching from the Root down to the sea, but it just isn't true. New Angeles is huge, and there's still, even today, open land and green growing things. (Well, mostly green; the acid rain notwithstanding).
Most of that land is in La Costa. There are actual farms and orchards, here! And towering megafarms, the agroplexes that are methodically exterminating all other farming by sheer efficiency.
Manta is white sand beaches and high-rise hotels, rich brats and dilettantes. It's also a high-tech district clustered around the HB HQ and progressive rings of lower- and lower-rent residences the further from the coast you go.
On the whole, Manta is one of the nicer districts. Good tourism, a vibrant tech hub, and middle- and lower-class housing, all in the same district. Just don't rock the boat.
They call it "Robot City" now, both because the Russian name is hard to pronounce and because of all the androids that live there. Dwell there? Are warehoused there?
Whatever, a lot of the old buildings that were once filled with Russian emigres during the Project days are still standing, and rather than repair them up to code, the slumlords who own 'em rent them out to androids and android owners.
There's still plenty of flesh-and-blood humans in the district and all the necessities and businesses and industries that come with that, but all anyone ever talks about are the androids.
Nihongai is immaculate, kept that way by legions of very polite and well-behaved clones. It doesn't have quite as much open green space as La Costa, but it does have its share of parks.
And it has gardens. It has gardens integrated into its arks and shopping districts, it has gardens that spill down the sides of buildings, it has gardens hidden around blind corners or down below the slidewalk - just everywhere! Most of these gardens are made according to Nipponese sensibilities, owing to the large proportion of the district that has its origins in Japan.
When Jinteki Biotech moved its headquarters to Nihongai a while back it must have felt not that different from Neo-Tokyo. More Spanglish in the streets, maybe, but at times it does feel that Jinteki has managed to just import their home country wholesale into the parts of the district they own outright.
Laguna Velasco

LV is the hottest of all the districts. It's home to City Hall and Levy University and the NAPD HQ, but most importantly it's home to lots of rich people.
The lake, Laguna Velasco Ibarra, is the choicest real estate with the best arcologies nearby. But the really, really rich people don't live at the top of kilometer-tall towers, they live in rambling mansions with gardens and only a handful of floors, you know, like the old days.
Devoting that much real estate to a single family is so wasteful and so luxurious it's almost unbelievable. Which is probably the point.
You ask anyone in the worlds to close their eyes and picture New Angeles, chances are they're seeing Rutherford in their mind's eye. (Except for people with aphantasia, but, you know). It's not as hologenic as, say, Laguna Velasco or Nihongai, but it is home to NBN and the worlds-famous Broadcast Square.
Rutherford is New Angeles at its most New Angeles. It's full of dreams, fulfilled and broken (but many, many more of the latter). Atop the glittering arcologies, the rich live and play, and deep in the undercity, people and androids dwell in the worst poverty imaginable. It's also a financial and media hub, as powerful and important as any district.

Esmeraldas is the most active, vibrant, forgotten hinterland I've ever seen. It's in a strange place, commercially, being the third- or fourth-best district at just about everything. Third-best port, third-best farms, fourth-best factories, fourth-most-populous, and on and on. The whole district is more or less ignored by the risties as an also-ran.
But for the middle class - for what's left of the middle class, anyway - it's a happening night spot. You got Eat Row, you got Roxy HT's, and of course there's the Blue Sun Stadium (go Giants!).
Maybe Esmeraldas isn't flashy and ritzy, but it could be a lot worse. Not a great tagline for your district, though, huh? "Come to Esmeraldas: it could be a lot worse!"
Base De Cayambe
Base de Cayambe lies in the literal shadow of the Beanstalk, crawling up the slopes of the Andes. Also the metaphorical shadow of the Beanstalk, a curious port-town with no water or coast.
It's got slums. It's got warehouses. It's got flophouses and gambling dens and tattoo parlors and red light districts. It's got everything a spacer could want on his first visit to Earth in 18 months, everything an Earther could need before hurling herself to Mars for the rest of her life.
Although just about as poor and crime-ridden as Guayaquil, Base de Cayambe is generally safer. There are crooks everywhere, but they keep the peace and keep business running as usual. There are also a smattering of artists, students, entrepreneurs, writers, and others attracted by cheap rent and an astoundingly diverse populace, so Base de Cayambe is even moderately trendy.
Chakana is the Beanstalk and the Beanstalk is Chakana. The Space Elevator is tethered at Earth Station, also called the Root, on Volcan Cayambe, and from there it rises into the heavens, a silver thread to the stars visible from a half-dozen countries.
Okay, maybe I'm getting a little poetic about it, but come on! It's the single largest structure ever built by human beings and it unlocks the stars. It is the key to space and maybe the salvation of the human race. If thinking about it doesn't make you misty, I don't even know that you're human.
It also makes the corps more money than god, and if anything were to happen to Chakana it could, in fact, trigger another Worlds War. So, you know. It's important.
Heinlein is on the Moon. It's part of New Angeles on paper, but honestly? New Angeles is closer to Beijing than it is to Heinlein.
If you're born in Earthside New Angeles, it is literally easier to visit a foreign country than to go to Heinlein, and it's not like the Loonies think of themselves as New Angelinos, you know? New Angelinos don't get billed for the air they breathe or need to wear an enviro-suit at all times just in case. It's no wonder most people forget that it's the twelfth district.
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