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Rating: 7.2 Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 3-6 players
Playing time: 20-12 minutes

Created by: 佐山貴亮 (Takaaki Sayama), 荒尾 俊樹 (Toshiki Arao), Miguel Coimbra

Published by: IELLO


In Nessos, you must embody Greek heroes who imprison mythological creatures into sacred amphoras in order to offer them to the gods.

If you capture enough, you will reach the rank of gods' chosen One! But beware for Charon the terrible roams and will by all means try to make you take a one way trip to Hell!

During the game, the players must bluff in order to win the Amphora cards which represent the most interesting creatures.

When your turn comes, offer an Amphora card to another player.

They can accept it, or refuse it by offering it to another player. Collect Amphora cards in order to be the first to reach the number of points required.

But be careful, if you get three Charon cards, you lose the round.

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