It is summer in the Antarctic and the penguins want to secure the best places for sunbathing at the coolest iceberg of the area! Too bad that there is only limited space...
That's because the seagulls and the walruses want to lounge in the sun as well. And there are also brazen fish snapping at penguins that are standing incautiously at the edge of the floe.
The jostling for the best position begins! Who will manage to find a place for all his animals at the iceberg?

- 2 iceberg sections to put together
- 50 animal cards: 19 big penguins
- 6 seagulls made of cardboard
- 6 fish in the form of clips
- 1 ice floe
- 1 frame for the ice floe
- 4 balls
- Instructions
Object of the Game
The player who has the fewest cards in the end wins the game.
Put the two iceberg sections together, as well as the frame for the ice floe, as shown in the illustration. Then insert the iceberg into the ice floe and put it onto the frame.

Lay out the assembled seagulls and the fish clips ready for play.
Pick one big-penguin card and lean it somewhere against the iceberg. Shuffle all remaining cards thoroughly and deal them out evenly to all players. If there are any cards left, they are removed from the game.
Lay down your cards as a face-down pile in front of you.

Now the slippery jostling can start!
Game Play
The game is played in turn, in clockwise order. The player who has last seen a penguin starts!
Take the topmost card from your pile, turn it over and carry out the action. What did you reveal?
Take the card and set it upright somewhere on the ice floe. The big penguin always has to lean against something, e.g., the iceberg or other penguins, big or small.
The card must not fall over. Penguins always have to stand with their feet on the ice floe. Big-penguin cards always have to stand slightly offset - after all, everybody wants to get some sun!
That means you may not place a big-penguin card right in front of another big-penguin card.
For the small penguins, the ice is still too cold; therefore, they want to stand very close to their mothers!
Lean the small-penguin card against a big-penguin card; small penguins may not be leaned directly against the iceberg. The card must not fall over, and the penguins have to stand with their feet on the ice floe.
The walruses also want to be in the sun! Unfortunately, they are so clumsy that they shove big penguins into the water. Take the walrus card and use it to flick a big penguin off the floe.
Small penguins may not be flicked off. You can only flick off one card at a time. After that, both cards (walrus and penguin) are removed from the game.
Oh dear! A cloud forms and moves in front of the sun. Take the cloud card and put it on top of the iceberg or the penguin cards that are already standing at the iceberg.
The card may not touch the floor of the floe and may not be put exactly on an already-placed cloud card.
The seagulls love the sun, too! Take one of the assembled seagulls and lay it or hang it somewhere: You can put it on a cloud or hang it on the iceberg or a card standing on the iceberg.
After that, lay the seagull card on the table next to the iceberg.
The fish are totally roused by the great weather and brazenly snap at the big penguins.
Take a fish and clip it to a big penguin that has no fish hanging on / clipped to it yet. If fish are already biting at all the big penguins, choose one of these penguins and clip the new fish to it as well.
Fish do not bite small penguins. After that, lay the fish card next to the iceberg on the table.
What Happens When..
You can't carry out a card action according to the rules
This can be the case if no big penguin is standing at the iceberg, because all cards have fallen over.
Put the card that you can't play under your card pile and draw the next card.
One or more cards fall over
If cards fall over while you are carrying out your action, you have to take all the cards that have fallen over and lay them down in front of you; they count as minus points. A card is considered fallen over if it lies flat on the floe or touches the table.
A seagull falls down or a fish action fails
Put the seagull or the fish aside and take one of the seagull cards or fish cards that are lying next to the iceberg; it will count as a minus point.
The ice floe slips off the frame
Set it up again carefully. Cards that are still standing on the floe may remain there. You only have to take the cards that have slipped down or are lying there; they count as minus points.
After you have tried to carry out a card action, it's the next player's turn whether or not you have carried out the action successfully.
End of the Game
The game ends when one player has used up his card pile. Then the other players put the cards they have left in their draw piles with the minus point cards they have accumulated during the game.
Now, each player adds up all his minus points. The player with the fewest minus points wins!
Variants for Stacking Experts
If you want to make the game a bit more challenging, simply play it with one or more of the following modifications:
Modification 1: All actions may be carried out with one hand only (including actions such as "Set up the floe again").
Modification 2: It becomes slippery! Insert the 4 balls into the frame underneath the floe. This way, you bring a bit of sea swell (motion) into play.
Modification 3: Put the frame together in such a way that there is more space for the balls. You have 3 different ways to do that. The more space the balls have, the more difficult the game gets!
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