Some search cards are listed as party items. Party items are items that can be used freely by any mouse in the party. When a mouse receives a party item, place the card near the story control board and place any marker or token that might be associated with that item in the party stash area of the story control board.

Disguises are bits of discarded rat clothing that can be put on to trick the rats. When revealing an encounter card, players may discard the Disguises token from the party stash to ignore all rat warriors for that encounter. Place any other minions from that encounter as usual.
If the Disguises token is ever discarded, the Disguises card is shuffled back into the search deck. A surge effect cannot be ignored by using the Disguises.
Fishhook & Thread
Fishhook & Thread allows the mice to access areas of the board that are either hard to reach or normally impossible to access. At anytime on a mouse's turn, the player controlling that mouse can remove the Fishhook & Thread token from the party stash and place it on the board. It does not cost an action to place the token.
The Fishhook & Thread token is always placed so that one end is on the space occupied by the mouse that is using it. The other end must be placed so that it is clearly within another space on the same room tile. At least one end of the token must be on a non-water space.
Once placed, any mouse can use their normal movement to move between the spaces on either end of the Fishhook & Thread token as if they were normal adjacent spaces.
A mouse on the same space as one of the ends of the token can use an action to remove the token and place it back in the party stash. If the mice leave a room tile that still has the token on it, remove the token from the board (not placed in the party stash) and shuffle the Fishhook & Thread card back into the search deck.
Dinner Fork

The dinner fork has a variety of uses. It can help mice access areas of the board that are hard or impossible to reach otherwise, it can pry open some traps, and it can even be turned into a grape-launching catapult!
At anytime on a mouse's turn, the player controlling that mouse can remove the Dinner Fork token from the party stash and place it on the board. It does not cost an action to place the token.
The Dinner Fork token is always placed on the space occupied by the mouse that is using it. The token cannot be placed on a water space.
On its turn, a mouse that is sharing a space with the Dinner Fork can use an action to catapult any other mouse that is on the same space to any target space on the same tile. The catapulted mouse must be able to see the target space.
A mouse on the same space as the token can use an action to remove the token and place it back in the party stash. If the mice leave a room tile that has the token still on it, the token is removed from the board (not placed in the party stash) and the Dinner Fork card is shuffled back into the search deck.

The Grape has a variety of uses. It can be used as roach bait and sometimes as a weapon.
Grape As Roach Bait
Any time on a mouse's turn, the player controlling that mouse can remove the grape token from the party stash and place it on any empty adjacent space. While the grape is on the board, during a roach turn, any roaches will move their full move toward the grape, stopping as usual if they move onto a space with a mouse.
If one or more roaches end their move on the space with the grape, they will not attack and instead will feast on the grape. Discard the grape token and any roaches that ended their turn on it. Shuffle the grape card back into the search deck.
Grape As A Weapon

If a mouse is sharing a space with the dinner fork, it can use a battle action to remove the grape from the party stash and launch it at minions. Choose a minion to attack. The attacking mouse does not need to be able to see the chosen minion to launch the grape at it. All figures on the same space as the chosen minion will also be affected by the attack.
Flip the grape token like it was a coin. If the token lands splat side-up, the chosen minion and all other figures on the same space receive one automatic hit. Roll to defend normally for each affected figure.

Discard the grape token and shuffle the grape card back into the search deck. If the token lands grape side-up, the affected figures become knocked down. Place the grape token under the knocked down figures. Note that this will make the grape instant roach bait, or a weapon that a rat can use. Large figures are not affected by the grape.
If a rat starts its turn sharing a space with the grape, it will not move. Instead of its normal battle action it will make a ranged attack at the space with the most mice on it.
If there is more than 1 space with an equal number of mice on it, choose the space with the mouse highest on the initiative track. Follow the same rules as listed above for using the grape as a weapon.
A rat cannot use the grape as a weapon if it is occupying a space with one or more mice.
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