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Rating: 6.4 Fair
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 3-6 players
Playing time: 45 minutes

Created by: David Feldman

Published by: Damm / Egmont, O2 Games, Inc., PlayMonster

Alternate Names: Imponderables, Malarki


Very similar to Out of Context or any of the other find-the-real-answer games. A question card is selected by the reader (e.g. "Why does Mickey Mouse have 4 fingers"). On the back is the correct answer. That correct card is placed into a wallet and closed.

Into all other wallets (identical) a bluff card has been placed. The wallets are shuffled and passed around the table. Then everyone reads their card. If they have the correct answer, they must read it. If they have a "bluff", they make up an answer. "Balderdash" voting ensues.

Retail Price:$20

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