For 2 Players
The game is played as normal except that:
The players choose to be East or West Wind
No Chows are allowed (no Chow points or bonuses can be used)
No player can go Mahjong until their hand contains 4 pairs or can reach 500 points
East Wind doesn't pay/receive double their Mahjong score
For 3 Players
The game is played as normal except that:
The players choose from three Winds, which must include East
No Chows are allowed (no Chow points or bonuses can be used)
For 5 Players
The game is played as normal except that:
If tallies are used, they are divided equally among the five players
The four Wind tiles and a White Dragon are used to determine the Winds, the player choosing the Dragon sitting out the first session. The player who sits out a session is called the Dreamer.
When the player who is East Wind doesn't go Mahjong they retire, the Winds rotate and the incoming player becomes North Wind.
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