Buildings - Storm Surge

Bank: Immediately gain four coins from the supply. At the beginning of the storm surge phase, gain 1 VP for every four of your coins.

Dike Association: Immediately advance your dike point marker three spaces on the dike track. At the beginning of the storm surge phase, advance your dike point marker two spaces for every three dike points you have.
If you reach any progress tokens, do not resolve their effects.

Estate: Immediately build two fences without paying resources. At the beginning of the storm surge phase, gain 3 VP for each of your pastures.

Farmhouse: Immediately take a "build a farm expansion" action to build a feature as if you had placed a farmer with action value 4. You must pay the resource cost of the feature. At the beginning of the storm surge phase, gain 2 VP for each of your features.

Dwelling Mount: At the beginning of the storm surge phase, if you have six or fewer dike breach tokens, discard them to the supply without effect. If you have more than six dike breach tokens, this has no effect.

Breeding Farm: Immediately take one sheep from the supply and house it if possible. At the beginning of the storm surge phase, for every four of your sheep, take one sheep from the supply and house it on this tile (ignoring the normal rules for housing sheep).
Buildings - Sheep

Auction House: During each upkeep, before breeding, you may sell one sheep to the supply to gain coins equal to the value of sheep +1. If you own the Shearer, you will gain the additional coin for this sale. You do not gain any benefit from a laborer assigned to the buy/sell sheep action space for this effect.

External Stable: You can house up to three sheep on this tile.

Feed Storage: Each space that is both orthogonally adjacent to this tile and inside a pasture can house one additional sheep.

Fodder Silo: During each upkeep, before breeding, you may buy one sheep from the supply for one coin if you can house that sheep.

Pet Shop: You can house one sheep on each of the gaps between orthogonally adjacent buildings (if you build four buildings in a square, you can house up to four sheep on the gaps between them).

Shepherds' Guild: Immediately take a "build and/or move fences" action as if you had placed a farmer with action value 3. Then take two sheep from the supply and house them on your farmyard board if possible.

Market Hall: Immediately buy up to three sheep from the supply for two coins each or sell up to three sheep to the supply to gain four coins each. You cannot combine this effect with the effects of other farm expansions, and you do not gain any benefit from a laborer assigned to the buy/sell sheep action space for this effect.

Dairy: Immediately gain one coin from the supply for every two of your sheep.

Jam Stand: Each time you enclose one or more spaces showing bushes in a pasture during a "build and/or move fences" action, take one sheep from the supply and house it on your farmyard board if possible. You can trigger this effect multiple times with the same bushes if you move fences with a later action and then enclose the space again.

Merino Farm: Immediately gain two coins from the supply for each sheep you could still house on your farmyard board.

Shearer: During each work phase, when you sell sheep to the market, gain one additional coin from the supply for each sheep sold. You also gain one additional coin when you sell sheep with the Auction House. You do not gain additional coins when you sell sheep with the Market Hall.

Byre Dwelling: You can house up to four sheep on this tile.

Christine has built the Pet Shop and the Breeding Farm. Since they are orthogonally adjacent, she can house one sheep on the gap between them.
Buildings - Action

Builder's Workshop: When you take a "contribute to the dike" action, advance your dike point marker exactly one additional space. This effect applies if a farm expansion allows you to take a "contribute to the dike" action, but not when you are asked to help.

Carpenter's Workshop: When you take a "contribute to the dike" or "build a farm expansion" action, you may pay one fewer wood than normal. This can make it possible to contribute to the dike without paying any resource cards. This effect applies while helping or contributing to the dike in other ways. You can combine this effect with the Bricklayer's Workshop and Stonemason's Workshop effects.

Construction Waste: After you build a building (not a feature), you may immediately take a "contribute to the dike" action as if you had placed a farmer with action value 2 (laborers affect this action, and you must ask for help after completing it as normal). This effect applies when you build the Construction Waste.

Bricklayer's Workshop: When you take a "contribute to the dike" or "build a farm expansion" action, you may pay one fewer clay than normal. This can make it possible to contribute to the dike without paying any resource cards. This effect applies while helping or contributing to the dike in other ways. You can combine this effect with the Carpenter's Workshop and Stonemason's Workshop effects.

Dike Tool Shed: Immediately move the resource marker to the last space of the construction yard track, completing the current dike segment without paying resources (if construction has not begun on a dike segment, choose a new resource marker and place it on the last space of the construction yard track). Then advance your dike point marker three spaces on the dike track.

Dike-reeve's House: Once per work phase, as you place a farmer, you may pay one coin to increase that farmer's action value by 1 for that action.

Tjasker: Immediately return one rightmost flood token on the highest flood level to the supply for each building (not feature) on your farmyard board.

Dike Court: During the high tide phase, if the dike breaks, you take half as many dike breach tokens as normal (rounded up).

Community Center: During the work phase, when you place a farmer on an action space with one or more farmers already on it, increase that farmer's action value by 1 for that action. You must still pay the regular coin cost for taking the action multiple times.

Stonemason's Workshop: When you take a "contribute to the dike" or "build a farm expansion" action, you may pay one fewer stone than normal. This can make it possible to contribute to the dike without paying any resource cards. This effect applies while helping or contributing to the dike in other ways. You can combine this effect with the Bricklayer's Workshop and Carpenter's Workshop effects.

Peat Cutter's House: When you take a "contribute to the dike" action, check if you have three or four spaces showing lakes outside pastures on your farm board. If you do, increase the placed farmer's action value by 1 or 2, respectively, for that action.

Fence Builder: When you take the "build and/or move fences" action, if you build at least one fence, you may build one additional fence without paying resources. This effect does not apply if you only move fences during the action, or if another farm expansion or progress token allows you to build a fence.

Berry Bushes: Immediately and at the beginning of each high tide phase, gain one coin from the supply for each space on your farmyard board that shows a bush and is outside a pasture.

Fish Pond: At the beginning of the storm surge phase, check if you have three or four spaces on your farmyard board that show lakes and are outside pastures. If you do, you gain 7 or 10 VP, respectively.

Forest Cabin: Each time you enclose one or more spaces showing trees in a pasture during a "build and/or move fences" action, draw two cards from the resource deck. You can trigger this effect multiple times with the same trees if you move fences with a later action and then enclose the space again.

Feeding Trough: Immediately take one sheep from the supply and house it on your farmyard board if possible. If this tile is inside a pasture, you can house up to two sheep on it.

Overgrowth Patch: Must be built on a space showing bushes. If this tile is inside a pasture, you can house up to three sheep on it.

Slurry Tank: You can house one sheep on each corner space of your farmyard board with no farm expansion on it, whether the space is inside or outside a pasture.

Dog House: You can house one sheep on this tile. You may treat one group of spaces on your board as an enclosed pasture if that group of spaces could be enclosed by one additional fence.

Compost Shed: Must be built on a space showing a tree. If this tile is inside a pasture, you can house up to three sheep on it.

Orchard: At the beginning of the storm surge phase, check if you have three, four, or five spaces on your farmyard board that show trees and are outside pastures. If you do, gain 5, 10, or 15 VP, respectively.

Hay Rack: If this tile is outside a pasture, you can house up to two sheep on it. If this tile is inside a pasture, you can house up to three sheep on it.

Sheep Farm: Immediately take one sheep from the supply and house it on your farmyard board if possible. Also immediately gain five coins from the supply for each space on your farmyard board that shows bushes and is inside a pasture.

Shelter: Immediately take a "contribute to the dike" action as if you had placed a farmer with action value 3 (laborers affect this action, and you must ask for help after completing it as normal). If this tile is outside a pasture, you can house up to two sheep on it.

Buried Treasure: Immediately gain three coins from the supply.

Lake Cabin: Must be built on a space showing a lake. At the beginning of the storm surge phase, gain 3 VP for each orthogonally adjacent space that is outside a pasture and has no farm expansion tile on it. This tile can be built inside a pasture. Do not gain VP for an adjacent space that is treated as enclosed by the effect of the Dog House.

Drinking Trough: Immediately build one fence without paying resources. If this tile is inside a pasture, you can house up to two sheep on it.

Watering Hole: You can house one sheep on each space on your farmyard board that shows a lake and is outside a pasture.

Sue has a group of spaces on her farmyard board that could be enclosed by a single fence. Her Dog House allows her to treat it as an enclosed pasture, so she can house sheep on the spaces.
The pasture would not count as closed (and could not house sheep), if it would need more than one fence. Sue could house a sheep on the dog house itself as well.
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