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Rating: 6.2 Fair
Players: 2-6 players
Playing time: 20-6 minutes

Created by: Brian Bollinger

Published by: Wild East Game Company


This is a fast and furious game of competitive dice rolling. ALL players are rolling ALL the time until a victor finally emerges!

Lighting Dice is a game that is simple, quick, and everyone plays every turn. It takes a combination of luck and skill to win but mostly it takes a quick eye and fast reflexes.

The winner is the first player to reach 20 points by matching the required numbers of the faceup goal card. Each player is assigned a player number (player 1, player 2, etc), chooses a color and takes the matching dice and pawn of that color.

All the goal cards are shuffled and placed to the side. Everyone places their pawn on the start of the score track, and now you are now ready to play Lightning Dice!

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