Die Number 1
Take one pig.
The player takes one pig and places one of his markers on a pig den space. If a player does not have an empty pig den space, he has to immediately sell the pig.
Die Number 2
Play a card, draw a card or take a harvest good.
The player may choose between the following options:
He tucks one of his cards from his hand under his farm (taking into account the costs for farm extensions!) or he draws the top card from the draw deck and adds it to his hand.
He takes any harvest good (olive, grain, grape) and places one of his player markers on the respective den of his farm.
Die Number 3
Take two different harvest goods.
The player takes two different harvest goods and places two of his player markers on the respective dens of his farm.
Die Number 4
Take 4 silver.
The player takes 4 silver from the pool.
Die Number 5
pgrade two resources free of charge, upgrade one resource free of charge and advance one step on the siesta track, or advance two steps on the siesta track.
The player may choose between the following options:
He may upgrade any two of his resources free of charge and move them from their respective fields or dens to their new dens for upgraded goods.
He may upgrade any one of his resources free of charge and move it from its respective field or den to its den for upgraded goods. In addition he may advance one step on the siesta track.
He may advance two steps on the siesta track.
Die Number 6
Carry out one delivery or take 2 silver.
The player either carries out one delivery or takes 2 silver from the pool.
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