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Rating: 8 Very Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 3-7 players
Playing time: 45 minutes

Official Site: Krazy Wordz

Created by: Dirk Baumann, Thomas Odenhoven, Matthias Schmitt

Published by: Fishtank


Das wahnsinns-witzige WortErfindeUndFinde-Spiel. (Nicht 100% jugendfrei)

"A party game in which you make up fictitious answers from available letters and must then guess which of the words might be meant to be a name for a newly discovered planet" (Win 489)

The secret task of each player is to invent a new creative word by use of several different letter-tiles (vowels and consonants). Then all players have to guess which of the created words will fit to which of the tasks.

Finally, the best guesser and word-creator will win the game.

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