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Rating: 5.9 Fair
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 1-4 players
Playing time: 20-5 minutes

Created by: Dugald Keith (II), Des Pawson, Tony LaSeur, Amanda Turner

Published by: HCM Kinzel, ThinkFun

Alternate Names: Voll Verknotet


Two players or two teams race to tie the knots pictured on the Knot So Fast challenge cards. After each match, the winners tug a rope in the card holder toward their side.

The Knot So Fast Game features 40 knot challenge cards with a little knotty history, a tug of war score keeper, 4 colored ropes and 2 rings.

Knot tying is a great skill to master at any age, and with the Knot So Fast Game from ThinkFun, younger players will also be improving their spatial reasoning and manual dexterity! Kids can practice their knots solo or play with 2 or more players, with the Knot So Fast Game!

This is a game about knots. Each player has a piece of rope. Each round, a knot is shown, and each player has to make that knot.

When the first player finishes his knot, he announces this, and the other players receive 30 seconds to finish theirs. Then, the finished knots score points.

The first player to reach eight points wins the game. (Or, in the team game, the first team to achieve a sufficiently large lead wins).

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