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Adjacent squares: Those which touch the given square either orthogonally or diagonally. Unless a square is on an edge of the board, eight others are adjacent to it.

Castle: In Knightmare Chess, the restriction of castling through check is lifted. You may castle through, out of, or into check, as long as the king is not in check at the end of the turn. This holds true regardless of whether or not a card is played during the turn.

Lost and Dead: When a card refers to the loss or removal of a piece, treat it as captured for all purposes. Captured pieces may be returned to play by cards. But if a card specifies that a piece is dead, set it aside; nothing can return it to play.

Move: The displacement of one piece from one square to another. This can be either a regular move, or a move speci- fied by a regular card.

Piece: This term always includes pawns.

Regular card: One without a continuing effect.

Regular move: A move which is legal by the rules of chess, as modified by any Continuing Effect cards in play.

Replace: Take a piece from play and put another piece in its place. If a card specifies that the replacement must be a captured piece, dead pieces cannot be used.

Return: Take a piece which has been captured and put it back into play. Dead pieces cannot be returned.

Stalemate: Stalemate by repeated position is determined by the state of the board and is not affected by changes in the players' hands. Stalemate by lack of legal moves can (at the moving player's option) be escaped by the play of a card.

Swap: Exchange positions of two pieces on the board.

Transformed piece: One that has been given a new name and new powers by a Continuing Effect card.

Turn: The period of one player's action. This normally in- cludes one move and, optionally, the play or discard of one card. In addition, a card may also be played by the acting player's opponent, either during or immediately after the turn.

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