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Rating: 8.9 Excellent
Players: 3-6 players
Playing time: 45-92 minutes

Official Site: Kill the Unicorns website

Created by: Cyril Besnard, Loïc Chorvot, Alain Fondrille, Levi Prewitt

Published by: Morning, Primus Games


Once Upon A Time...

...far far away, a Queendom was overrun with thousands of pesky unicorns, relieving themselves on private property, eating endangered plant life and subsequently farting a lot! As unicorn gas is toxic, air pollution in the Queendom drastically increased, seriously impacting the local environment. This contamination created microclimates around the Queendom: it started raining sugar and candy, making everything sticky.

The good old Queen knew that unicorns had to be dealt with. Too kind to take action herself, she left the matter with her spoiled and selfish daughter, the princess. Eager to show citizens that their princess was able to take action, she and her team of misfits would catch, and kill all the unicorns! She declared that four days each year would be dedicated to hunting unicorns, and everyone was invited!

This was great news for the Gnomes, who ran an illegal unicorn trade, a global black market for unicorn parts. This annual hunt meant they didn't have to waste time catching the beasts themselves - a difficult thing to do - and could instead buy them cheaply from the citizens!

Unicorns are elegant and majestic creatures… That's what you think anyway, but in fact they are silly and reproducing too quickly!

Kill the Unicorns is a blind bidding and collection card game. You play as one of the Queendom's unique characters - catch as many unicorns as you can, ideally without accidentally capturing a smelly Unicorn or a Pigicorn!

Retail Price:$0
Kill the Unicorns: The Underground Awakens

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