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Rating: 7 Good
Players: 2-2 players
Playing time: 20 minutes

Official Site: Manufacturer's current website

Created by: Luke Hooper, Michael Larson, Del Segura

Published by: IELLO, Innovention Toys, Productief BV

Alternate Names: Deflexion


Khet (a.k.a. Deflexion) is a chess-like board game that has two built in lasers and movable Egyptian-themed game pieces that have embedded mirrors which can be positioned to bounce the laser light around the board and hit opponent pieces.

To play, players alternate moving their pieces around the board. Some pieces have mirrors and some do not. Bounding the board is a raised frame into which are built two low-power lasers, one for each player.

The game pieces include a "pharaoh", obelisks, and pyramids with mirrors. After each move, a player must press the button on his/her laser. The beam bounces from mirror to mirror around the playing field.

The challenge is to protect one's own pharaoh while maneuvering to "light up" the opposing player's pharaoh.

Retail Price:$29
Khet 3D: Tower of Kadesh
Khet: Eye of Horus Beam Splitter
Årets Spill Best Family Game Nominee 2007
Årets Spel Best Adult Game Winner 2007
Mensa Select Winner 2006
Golden Geek Best 2-Player Board Game Nominee 2006

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