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Rating: 0 Unknown
Players: 4-99 players
Playing time: 45 minutes

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Published by: Gatwick Games


Work with your team to guess the cards before time runs out! Guess the cards in 3 different rounds and win!

You and your team must work together to guess the cards in the bag as fast as you can! Each of the three rounds brings new challenges to your team to guess the cards.

Gather as many cards in this as you can because the team that guesses the most number of cards WINS!

First Round - Describe It

On this round, the player may describe the word(s) on the card using any words, except you may not say the words on the card.

Second Round - Define It

On this round, you may only say one word per card to describe what the card says.

Final Round - Act It

On this round, you act out the card, but you may not use any sound.

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