Students attending the Isidore School of Magic are trained to become Wizards and Witches... and you're one of them! But, before qualifying top of your class, you have to prepare your ultimate magic spell.
You need three rare treasures from the Kingdom of Calandria: a tear from the Water Nymph, a tooth from the Fire Dragon and an emerald from the Rock Giant. But these mythical creatures won't give up their treasure without a fight!
As a student of magic, you will need to show what you've learned at Isidore. You will need to trade ingredients, compose spells to control the elements of Rock, Water and Fire, and ultimately win the duels!

- 1 Game board
- 4 Double-sided collection cards
- 8 Playing figures
- 18 Spell cards
- 3 Duel cards for the mythical creatures
- 12 Treasures
- 48 Ingredient tokens
- 16 Gold and 16 silver tokens
- 1 Diploma
- 1 Dice
- Instructions
Object of the Game
To qualify as top of your class from the Isidore School of Magic you have to collect three treasures from the mythical creatures dwelling in the Kingdom of Calandria.
Only with these items can you prepare your ultimate magic spell and complete your studies!
The first student to return to school with these three treasures will be awarded his or her Isidore School of Magic Diploma, thus winning the game!

Position the game board in the middle of the table. Each player chooses a wizard or witch student and places the accompanying collection card in front of themselves on the table. Each player places his or her playing figure on Isidore (top left on the game board); that is the 'start' field.
Each player may choose a spell card (Rock, Water or Fire) to start the game with and place it face-down on their collection card.
Place the ingredient tokens and the gold and silver tokens face-down in stacks on the table. Be sure not to mix the ingredients tokens and the gold and silver tokens with one another.
Place an ingredient token in each empty field on the game board at the markets of the village of Azurro and the Lighthouse of Calandria and in the fields of the Green Forest.
Those at the markets of the village of Azurro and the Lighthouse of Calandria should be face-up, making them visible to everyone. Those of the Green Forest should be face-down on the game board.
Then place three of the gold and silver tokens face- down in the fields of the game board on the mines of the Steep Mountain Path.
Make three stacks of spell cards; one with the Rock cards, one with the Water cards and one with the Fire cards.
Shuffle each of the three stacks and place them face-up close to the school next to the game board, so that you can see from the uppermost cards which ingredients you have to collect for those Rock, Water or Fire spells.
Place the three duel cards next to the game board.
Take as many treasures as there are players and place them next to the magical creatures: the dragon's teeth next to the Fire Dragon, the emeralds next to the Rock Giant and the Water Nymph tears in Water Nymph Bay.
Place the diploma next to the game board near the school.
the Adventure Begins
All of the students start at the Isidore Academy of Magical Arts. The youngest student heads off on the adventure first. Throw the dice and move your student.
You can choose how many steps to take, as long as it doesn't exceed the number of dots on the dice thrown.
For example, if you throw a 3, you can choose whether to move 1, 2 or 3 steps forward. NB! The roads to Calandria are very narrow. For this reason, we only move clockwise.
If you throw the magical stars, you can magically beam yourself to a field of your choice! This could also be the field where you were originally standing...
Collecting and Trading Ingredients
You can collect, buy or trade ingredients throughout the Kingdom of Calandria. You need these ingredients to make your Rock, Water and Fire spells. You can find all of these items in Calandria:

Magic ingredients grow in the Green Forest: mushrooms, berries and herbs - all of which you need to make your spells. When you 'visit' the Green Forest you may pick one of the ingredients without looking.

Place the ingredient face up on top of the collection card in front of you so that the other students can see what you have collected. Top up the ingredients in the Green Forest using an ingredient from the stack. Make sure that this ingredient is face-down.

You can find gold and silver at the mines of the Steep Mountain path. You can use the gold and silver tokens to buy ingredients at the markets in the village of Azurro and at the Lighthouse of Calandria.

If you stop on the Steep Mountain path you can take one of these gold or silver tokens.place the token face-up on top of the collection card in front of you so that the other students can see how rich you are.
Top up the stocks of the mines of the Steep Mountainpath with tokens from the stack. Make sure the gold or silver tokens are face-down.
In the village of Azurro and at the Lighthouse of Calandria there are markets with merchants selling their wares to the residents. You can buy or trade any ingredients you need here.

The game board shows the price of each of the ingredients available at the market. If gold is required, you can only pay with gold. If silver is required, you can only pay with silver.
You can buy and trade ingredients at the market. You can trade two of your ingredients for one ingredient from the market. You can buy or trade both ingredients during each turn. Top up the market afterwards with ingredients from the stack.
Making Spells

Once you have gathered all the necessary ingredients for a spell you return to school. You can only transform your ingredients into a spell at Isidore. There are three different spells: Rock, Water and Fire.
The top spell card of the stack shows which ingredients you need to make the spell. If you're at Isidore and you have all the ingredients needed for a Rock, Water or Fire spell, you can take a spell card.
Put the spell card face-down on your collection card so that the other students cannot see which spell(s) you have collected. The ingredients go back on the stack afterwards.
You may trade as many ingredients as you choose during your turn, to obtain different spell cards, but you may only have one spell card for each element on your collection card.
If you have a spell card in your possession, you control that element. The three spells are very important because you need them to duel with one of the three magical creatures of Calandria.
Collecting Treasures
Three centuries-old magical creatures live in the corners of Calandria: the Fire Dragon, the Rock Giant and the Water Nymph. They guard the three treasures you need to graduate. These very rare treasures can only be earned by challenging the magical creatures to a duel.
The Fire Dragon
Nobody knows whether the Fire Dragon is a male or female, because they are all afraid to get too close to this fire-spitting beast!
One thing's for sure, though, it protects the treasure with firepower! It's widely known that a ground dragon's tooth possesses healing properties.
The Rock Giant
Emeralds bestow eternal riches upon its owner. But in order to get hold of an emerald you have to win a duel with the Rock Giant!
However, this rock of a giant is easily angered. And the filthy rich miser doesn't want to share his emeralds with anyone.
The Water Nymph
Never call the Water Nymph a mermaid, because your smile will soon fade! By weeping loudly, this wailing creature attempts to lure innocent seafarers.
If you succeed in mixing but one of the Water Nymph's tears into a magic potion, you'll be made for life.
Duelling with a Magical Creature
The magical creatures are powerful and always have three different duel cards (Rock, Water and Fire) to counter your attack. To challenge a magical creature you have to land on its field and be in possession of at least two of the three spell cards at that point:

You will need a Fire card as well as one or two more spell cards to challenge the Fire Dragon to a duel.
You will need a Rock card as well as one or two more spell cards to challenge the Rock Giant to a duel.
You will need a Water card as well as one or two more spell cards to challenge the Water Nymph to a duel.
The Duel Begins!
Whoever is the first to win two rounds, wins the duel.
The player to the left of the attacking student stands in to play on behalf of the magical creature and takes the three dark duel cards.
As in the 'Rock-Paper-Scissors' game, the student and the magical creature choose one of their spell cards (duel cards), which they place on the table - at exactly the same time - after reciting the magical spell I-SI-DORE (as in one, two, three!).

Fire beats Rock (fire melts rock).
Rock beats Water (rock absorbs water).
Water beats Fire (water puts out fire).
If the student and the magical creature play the same spell card, the elements cancel one another out and no one wins the round.
Tip: It would not be wise to duel with a magical creature if you have less than three spell cards. But you may get lucky and beat the magical creature, thus gaining possession of the treasure.
If you're the first to win two rounds of the duel, the magical creature gives you one of his or her treasures. Take good care of your treasures, because you'll never get a second one.
If the magical creature wins you have to wait until your next turn before you can challenge the creature again.
End of the Game
The first student to collect three treasures can return to school, where they will be awarded a diploma from the Isidore Academy of Magical Arts. This student also wins the game!
Game Variation for Older Students
Because some students have been attending Isidore for a longer period of time, we're going to make it more difficult for them!
Older students start the game without a spell card. This gives the younger students a small head start.
Older students can challenge other older students to a duel.
Older students lose a spell card if they lose against the magical creature. You have to start collecting all the ingredients again in order to remake the spell!
If the Fire Dragon beats you, you have to place the Fire card under the stack.
If the Rock Giant beats you, you have to place the Rock card under the stack.
If the Water Nymph beats you, you have to place the Water card under the stack.
Duel Between Older Students
If, as an older student, you land on a field occupied by another older student during your turn, you may - if you wish - choose to challenge him or her to a duel (if there are more than two students on a field, the attacker chooses who they wish to duel against).
Dueling with a fellow student is the same as dueling with a magical creature, except that dueling between students only lasts one round.
If the attacking student wins the duel he or she can swap one ingredient with the other student. It isn't possible to swap gold, silver or the three treasures.
If the defending student wins, he or she may - or may not - choose to swap one of his or her ingredients with the attacker. It isn't possible to swap gold, silver, the treasures or the spell cards.
If the students play the same spell card, the elements cancel one another out and no one wins the round.
Your turn ends after the duel. Nothing more may then be collected, traded or purchased. Both students keep their own spell cards.
Tip: It's possible that a student cannot win a duel yet because he or she does not have any spell cards let alone the correct one.
For this reason, try to remember which spell cards the other students (don't) have before challenging them to a duel! You always beat a player who doesn't have any spell cards yet.
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