Action Cards
The purpose of the Action cards is to affect the outcome of the Race. They are placed face down behind the Horse to be affected. They are revealed just prior to the start of the Horse Race to see their effect.
There are three types of Action cards:
Red Negative effect: they slow down the Horse.
Green Positive effect: they speed up the Horse.
Grey Special effects:
The effect of an Action card always overrules a Horse card. Therefore, if the same symbol is on the Action and the Horse card, only the one on the Action cards will be considered, be it positive or negative.
At the bottom left is a letter indicating the effectiveness of the Action card. If two cards are placed behind a Horse, one being positive (green) and the other being negative (red), and both having the same letter, they are returned to the bottom of the deck and their effects are void.
Example: On the yellow Horse space are Magna Fortuna (positive, marked with letter C), Aqua Malefica (negative, marked with C), and Herba Magica (positive, marked with letter A). Magna Fortuna and Aqua Malefica have the same letter (C), so they are void and returned to the Action card deck. Only the Herba Magica will have its effect on the yellow Stable's Horse.
Positive Action Cards
01 - Magna Velocitas
=4 : At the Start of the Race, this Horse moves forward four spaces instead of the number shown on the Movement card.
02 - Fortuna Benevola

1: At the Start of the Race, this Horse moves forward one space more than the number on the Movement card.
03 - Flagellum Fulguris

1: When this Horse Sprints, it moves forward one extra space.
04 - Herba Magica
= 2 : When this Horse Sprints, it moves forward two spaces instead of one.
05 - In Igni Veritas

If this Horse is part of a Photo Finish (tied for position after crossing the Finish Line), it wins the tie even when its odds are lower.
06 - Fustis Et Radix
+2: When this Horse crosses the Finish Line, it moves forward two additional spaces (before rolling the Sprint Dice).
07 - Vigor Ferreum
=4 : If this Horse is in last place when a Movement card is turned over (or it is tied for last), it moves forward four spaces instead of the number shown on the Movement card. This ability does not apply at the Start of the Race.
Negative Action Cards
08 - Globus Obscurus
=0 : At the Start of the Race, the Horse stays still instead of moving forward the number of spaces shown on the Movement card.
09 - Aqua Putrida

-1 : At the Start of the Race, this Horse moves forward one space less than the number indicated on the Movement card. Important: a Horse can never move backwards.
10 - Serum Maleficum

If this Horse is rolled on the Sprint Dice it does not move forward any squares and instead stays still (the Horse is not allowed to Sprint).
11 - Venenum Veneficum
-1: When this Horse Sprints, it moves forward one space less than normal.
12 - Mala Tempora

If this Horse is part of a Photo Finish (tied for position after crossing the Finish Line), it loses the tie even when its odds are higher.
13 - XIII

When this Horse reaches the Finish Line, it stops immediately (any other movement is lost) but does not ignore any Sprint Dice results.
14 - Felix Infernalis
=0: If this Horse is in first place when a Movement card is turned over (or it is tied for first), it stays still instead of moving forward the number of spaces shown on the Movement card. This ability does not apply at the Start of the Race.
Special Action Cards
15 - Alfio Allibratore

2: When this card is revealed, the odds for the Stable go up two levels (e.g., if it was rated 1:4, it increases to 1:2).
16 - Fritz Finden

All negative Action cards played on this Horse are discarded. They have no effect on this Race.
17 - Pecunia Non Olet *
+400 D: All players that have bet on this Horse, including those who lost their stakes, gain 400 D from the Bank during the Payoff step.
18 - Boss
+1: Any Successful Bets On This Horse Award An Extra Vp (i.e., 4 For A Bet To Win And 2 For A Bet To Show).
19 - Steven Sting
2: When this card is revealed, the odds for the Stable go down by two levels (e.g., if it was rated 1:2, it goes down to 1:4).
20 - Rochelle Recherche

All positive Action cards played on this Horse are discarded. They have no effect on this Race.
21 - Armand Amende *
-400 D: All players that have bet on this Horse, including those who lost their stakes, have to pay the Bank 400 D during the Payoff step.
22 - Boss!!! *
-1: Any successful Bets on this Horse award one less VP (i.e., 2 for a Bet to Win and 0 for a Bet to Show).
Assistant Cards
The Assistant cards provide a player with economic aid. Assistant cards must always be played face up right after their purchase.
23 - Adalbert Diplomatitsch The Diplomatic Planner
=0D: Your cost to purchase Goal cards is reduced to 0 D.
24 - Tommy Style The Adonis
=0D: Your cost to purchase Assistant cards is reduced to 0 D.
25 - Francisco Caballos The Poor Groom
=0D: your cost to purchase horse cards is reduced to 0 d.
26 - Franz Galopp The Handsome Jockey
'-600 D: Your cost to purchase Stable Owner cards is reduced by 600 D. For example, purchasing a Stable rated 1:4 would normally cost 1700 D. With this Assistant, you only pay 1100 D, (1700 D - 600 D).
27 - Michele Cuorlione The Boss' Wicked Right-hand Man

5000 D 4000 D:When you take a Loan from the Mob, you only have to pay back 4000 D instead of 5000 D.
28 - Aronne Dal Banco The Generous Banker

2500 D 1500 D : When you take a Loan from the Bank, you only have to pay back 1500 D instead of 2500 D.
29 - Didier Addition The Shy Accountant
+400d :When you pass your turn during the Purchase Phase, you receive an additional 400 D. Therefore, passing allows you to gain 800 D (400 D + 400 D).
30 - Justice Bros The Twins

This card counts as two Assistant cards for purposes of completing the "Most Assistant Cards" Goal card.
31 - Brian O'fist The Slugger
: During the Payoff step, the player to your right
must pay you 200 D.
32 - Pedro Pugnos The Brawny Man
: During the Payoff step, the player to your left must pay you 200 D.
33 - Daniel Jackson The Rough Barman
+300 D: During the Payoff step, you receive 300 D from the Bank.
34 - Cedric Copieur The Skillful Mime

When you purchase Cedric Copieur, immediately swap him for any other Assistant card already in play in front of another player. Place the other Assistant card face up in front of you: you are now the owner of this card.
The other player cannot prevent this exchange, and must place Cedric in front of him. He may not use Cedric to swap for another Assistant card.
However, Cedric can be sold to another player, who may then use his skill, just like when this card was first purchased from the deck.
35 - Francois Riche The Danari-making Friend
+800: When you purchase this card, you immediately take 800 D from the Bank.
Goal Cards
These cards are drawn and placed face down in front of you. Each card gives you a special objective that you keep secret from the other players. There are two copies of each Goal card.
At the end of the game, if you are the only player that has completed the requirements for your Goal card, you receive 2 VP. If any other players have also completed the requirements, you receive only 1 VP.
For example, if you have the Goal Card "Most Assistant Cards" and you have more Assistant cards in front of you than all the other players, you receive 2 VP. If one or more of your opponents tie you for the most Assistant cards, you receive only 1 VP.
If you have two identical Goal cards, and complete the requirements, you only score VP for one of those Goal cards.
+ : Most Stable Owner cards.
+ : Most Assistant cards.
+ : Most Goal cards. It does not matter how many Goals you have completed, you only need to own the highest number of such cards.
+: Most Horse cards.
+D: Most Danari.
- Fewest Stable Owner cards.
- : Fewest VPs.
Loan Cards
During the game you may take both kinds of Loan cards, but you can't take the same type of Loan twice. If all Loan cards are in use, it is not possible to get another loan.
You may not return the money prior to the Loan Payback step during the End of Game phase.
Bank Loan
2500 D: You take 2000 D from the Bank. In the Loan Payback step, you must return the Loan card along with the 2000 D taken from the Bank, plus 500 D in interest (bring- ing the total to 2500 D).
Loan from The Mob
5000 D: You take 4000 D from the Bank. In the Loan Payback step, you must return the Loan card along with the 4000 D taken from the Bank, plus 1000 D interest (bringing the total to 5000 D).
Stable Owner Cards
Each Stable Owner card is worth 1 Victory Point (which always counts also towards the Minimum Bet) and generates money when its Horse performs well in Races.
The prizes for each place are as follows:
- 600 D if the Horse comes in first
- 400 D if the Horse comes in second
- 200 D if the Horse comes in third
Horse Cards
Horse cards grant a bonus to movement during a Race. You can only play Horse cards on your own Stables. The effect of an Action card always overrules the effect of a Horse card.
Therefore, if the same symbol is on the Action card and the Horse card, only the one on the Action card will be considered, whether it is positive or negative.
Example: if Costantino (Sprint = 2) is placed on the red lane, but the Serum Maleficum (no Sprint) and Globus Obscurus (Start = 0) were also placed there, the Horse pawn will move 0 at the Start Line and will not be able to sprint.
36 - Costantino The Sprinter

= 2: When This Horse Sprints, It Moves Forward Two Spaces Instead Of One.
37 - El Guapo The Nice Little Horse

2: When this Horse is played before a Race, the odds for that Stable go up two levels (e.g., if it was rated 1:4, it increases to 1:2).
38 - La Longue Carabine Nicknamed "the Long-necked"
+3: When this Horse crosses the Finish Line, it moves for- ward three additional spaces (before rolling the Sprint Dice).
39 - Napoleon The Unbeatable
=4: If this Horse is in last place when a Movement card is turned over (or it is tied for last), it moves forward four spaces instead of the number shown on the Movement card.
This ability does not apply at the Start of the Race.
40 - The Fury Also Known As "the Fury"
=4: At the Start of the Race, this Horse moves forward four spaces instead of the number shown on the Movement card.
41 - Varonne The Legend
+2: At the Start of the Race, this Horse moves forward two spaces more than the number on the Movement card.
42 - Biscuit De Mer The Worst Horse
+600d: When this Horse is played before a Race, the odds for that Stable go down two levels. During the Payoff step, you receive 600 D from the Bank if you played this Horse during the Race.
43 - Bosson The Boss' Dreadful Horse
+600: At the Start of the Race, this Horse stays still instead of moving forward the number of spaces shown on the Movement card. During the Payoff step, you receive 600 D from the Bank if you played this Horse during the Race.
44 - Giumenta The Sweet Mare
: This card counts as two Horse cards for purposes of completing the "Most Horse Cards" Goal card. Giumenta has no effect during horse races.
45 - Troy The Scary Wooden Horse
When you purchase Troy, immediately swap him for any other Horse card already in play in front of another player. Place the other Horse card face up in front of you: you are now the owner of this card. The other player cannot prevent this ex- change, and must place Troy in front of him. He may not use Troy to swap for another Horse card.
However, Troy can be sold to another player, who may then use his skill, just like when this card was first purchased from the deck. Troy has no effect during horse races.
Character Cards
Character cards are drawn at the beginning of the game during setup. They are the wealthy wagerers that will be represented by the players.
Cranio Mercanti
You are the owner of the Stable rated 1:2. Take the Stable Owner card of the corresponding color.
You start with 3400 D.
Steve Mcskull
You are the owner of the Stable rated 1:3. Take the Stable Owner card of the corresponding color.
You start with 3600 D.
Viktor Von Schadel
You are the owner of the Stable rated 1:4. Take the Stable Owner card of the corresponding color.
You start with 3800 D.
Cesar Crane
You are the owner of the Stable rated 1:5. Take the Stable Owner card of the corresponding color.
You start with 4000 D.
Craneo Cervantes
You are the owner of the Stable rated 1:6. Take the Stable Owner card of the corresponding color.
You start with 4200 D.
Sigvard Skalle
You are the owner of the Stable rated 1:7. Take the Stable Owner card of the corresponding color.
You start with 4400 D.
Antonio Vesuvio The Sly Dog 
During the second Betting round, you can make two bets. This means that you can actually make three Bets per Race.
You start with 3000 D.
Eric Change The Bookmaker 
Once all players have placed their first Bet during a Race, before Action cards are played, you may raise or decrease the odds of any one Stable by two levels.
You start with 5000 D.
Miss Double The Old Lady 
During the second Purchase step you may buy any type of card even if you have already purchased the same type in the first Purchase step.
You start with 5000 D.
Miss Paris The Boss' Moll 
You win on a Bet to Show even if the Horse you have bet on finishes in fourth place.
You start with 5000 D.
Oliver Oil the Oil Tycoon 
You start with 6000 D.
Otto Von Alt The Old Man 
Whenever you purchase Action cards you pay 0 D instead of 400 D.
You start with 4000 D.
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