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Rating: 6.1 Fair
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 3-5 players
Playing time: 45-125 minutes

Created by: Hanno Girke, Uwe Rosenberg, Marcel-André Casasola Merkle, Björn Pertoft

Published by: AMIGO, Lookout Games


High Bohn is the first of the Bohnanza expansions printed by Lookout Games.

It was released in a limited run, then was slightly reworked and published by AMIGO as High Bohn: Bohnenduell um 12 Uhr mittags and then by Rio Grande Games as High Bohn Plus.

There is a building type for each bean in the original game. Each building type gives the player some special ability to help trading, planting beans, or harvesting.

The value of each building a player builds is added to his score at the end of the game and bonus points are awarded for completing different types of buildings.

Retail Price:$60

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