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Rating: 6.2 Fair
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 1-4 players
Playing time: 15-20 minutes

Created by: Eduardo Baraf, Steve Finn, Keith Matejka, Benjamin Shulman, Beth Sobel

Published by: Dr. Finn's Games, Pencil First Games, LLC, Granna

Alternate Names: Niezłe Ziółka


In Herbaceous, herb collectors compete to grow and store the most valuable medley of herbs. Everyone starts with four containers, each of which allows a different grouping action:

  • Group herbs of same type
  • Group different types
  • Group pairs
  • Group any three types (same or different)

On your turn, you draw a herb, then decide to either keep it in your personal collection or put in into the communal pile. If kept, the next card goes to the communal pile; if placed in the communal pile, the next card goes in your personal collection.

At the start of your turn, you can decide to use a container. If so, you assemble cards from personal and communal spaces, group them, then turn them all over. You have then "collected" those and can't use the container again.

At the end of the game, collectors determine the best collection as a combination of value from their collection, matching herbs, and herb sets.

Retail Price:$23
Herbaceous: Flavor Pack Mini Expansion
Golden Geek Best Card Game Nominee 2017

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Everyone has a green thumb when playing Herbaceous. Relax while enjoying this beautiful and elegant game of picking and potting herbs. Pot the best collection of herbs in your containers, but don't wait too long or your friend might grab them first.

Object of the Game

Players try to score the most victory points by collecting and potting herbs from the Community Garden and their Private Garden.


  • Container Cards Herb Cards
  • 4 Garden Markers in 4 player colors
  • 63 Herb Cards
  • 9 Special Herb Cards
  • 16 Container Cards
  • 1 Herb Biscuit Card
  • 4 Quick Reference Cards


1 Each player receives 4 Container Cards , the back of the card is the player's color. …


Setup is the same as the multiplayer game, with the following changes:

  • Remove 36 cards from the game. That's exactly half the deck!

  • Place 1 card face up next to the Draw Pile to create a Discard pile.

  • Place 2 cards face up from the Draw Pile to the Community Garden.

  • Place 3 cards face up from the Draw Pile to the player's Private Garden.

  • Place a Garden Divider between the Gardens. And lastly, put the Herb Biscuit in reach of the player.

Game Play

Changes for Step 2: Plant:. …


Setup is the same as a normal 4-player game, but teammates must sit across from each other so the teams' turns are alternating. The team with the youngest player goes first.

Game Play

The game plays as normal with the following changes to Step 2: Plant:

Each player places 3 cards in the Plant step, instead of 2. Draw them one at a time, deciding where each card is placed. In any order:

  • 1 card is placed in the player's Private Garden.

  • 1 card is placed in the Community Garden. …

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