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Rating: 5.7 Fair
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-6 players
Playing time: 30 minutes

Created by: Design Edge

Published by: Amo Oy, Canada Games, Cardinal

Alternate Names: Disney Hedbanz, Hedbanz, Hedbanz für Kids, Hedbanz Jr., Marvel Hedbanz


The quick question game of "What am I"?

Am I a chicken? How about a bicycle? In this goofy game you never know what you are until you start asking questions!

Figure out if the cartoon on your head is an animal, food or a household item. Everybody knows but you!

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  • 72 Cards
  • 24 Chips
  • 6 Headbands
  • Timer
  • Rulebook

Object of the Game

Be the first player to get rid of all your chips!


Place the cards face down in the center of the playing area.

Each player takes a headband and adjusts it around his/her head. Make sure the Hedbanz logo is above your eyebrows and centered on your forehead.

Deal one card face down to each player.

Without looking at the picture side of the card, players insert their card into the clip of their headband so all the other players can see the picture. …


  • 6 Headbands
  • 200 Cards
  • 24 Chips
  • Timer
  • Rulebook

Object of the Game

Be the first player to get rid of all your Chips!


Separate the Sample Question Cards and deal one to each player. Mix up the Clue Cards and place them face down in the center of the playing area.

Each player takes a Headband and adjusts it around their head. Make sure the Hedbanz logo is above your eyebrows and centered on your forehead.

Deal one Clue Card face down to each player. Without looking at the Clue side of the Card, players insert their Clue Card into the clip of their Headband so all the other players can see the Clue. …


  • 6 Headbands in 6 different colors
  • 6 Player Cards (colors match headbands)
  • 1 die
  • 1 Timer (20 seconds)
  • 180 Cards
  • 72 Tokens
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Be the first player to get rid of your 12 tokens. Get rid of tokens by correctly guessing the card on your head, or by "acting up" to help another player correctly guess their card.


  1. Each player selects a headband, the matching-color Player Card, and 12 tokens. Place any unused headbands and Player Cards aside.

  2. Adjust the headband around your head. Make sure the Hedbanz logo is above your eyebrows and centered on your forehead. …

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