There are ten different round boosters in the game. Each booster grants you additional income, and some boosters have additional effects. Round boosters are only in effect while you have that booster.

1 During the income phase, gain one ore and one knowledge.
2 During the income phase, gain two credits and one Q.I.C.
3 During the income phase, gain two power tokens and one ore.
4 During the income phase, gain two credits. As a special action, you may take a "Build a Mine" action with one free terraforming step. You can pay ore for additional terraforming steps, but you cannot combine this action with another action.
5 During the income phase, charge two power. As a special action, you can take a "Build a Mine" action or "Start a Gaia Project" with your basic range increased by three. The normal rules for the actions apply. This action cannot be combined with another action.
6 During the income phase, gain one ore. When you return this round booster by taking the "Pass" action, gain 1 VP for each of your mines on the board (including the Lost Planet).
7 During the income phase, gain one knowledge. When you return this round booster by taking the "Pass" action, gain 3 VP for each of your research labs on the board.
8 During the income phase, gain one ore. When you return this round booster by taking the "Pass" action, gain 2 VP for each of your trading stations on the board.
9 During the income phase, charge four power. When you return this round booster by taking the "Pass" action, gain 4 VP for each of your planetary institutes and academies on the board.
10 During the income phase, gain four credits. When you return this round booster by taking the "Pass" action, gain 1 VP for each Gaia Planet you have colonized (you do not gain VP for Gaiaformers on Gaia or Transdim Planets).
Round Scoring Tiles
Each round scoring tile on the score board is in effect for one round. The central part of each tile shows you how to score additional VP during that roun

Gain 2 additional VP when you build a mine.

Gain 3 or 4 additional VP (depending on the tile) when you upgrade to a trading station.

Gain 5 additional VP when you upgrade to an academy or planetary institute.

Gain 3 or 4 additional VP (depending on the tile) when you build a mine on a Gaia Planet.

Gain 2 additional VP when you advance in a research area.

Gain 5 additional VP when you gain a federation token (no matter how you gain the federation token).

Gain 2 additional VP for each terraforming step you take (no matter how you take the terraforming steps).
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