Q: Can I pass an Assist card to the current Senate Minority Leader?
A: No, players may only pass cards that increase the Filibuster Track to the Senate Minority Leader.
Q: As the Senate Minority Leader, can I save my Action cards for later, i.e. skip playing a card from my hand after drawing a Time card?
A: If the Senate Minority Leader has an Action card in hand that can increase the Filibuster Track, it must be played.
Q: Yay! We are winning the round! Can't we just end the Filibuster now?
A: The Senate Minority Leader may call a vote to end a Filibuster voluntarily (see Voting to End a Filibuster).
Keep in mind that the Leader may only call a vote twice per round, and players can only successfully vote to end a Filibuster twice per game.
If you are unable to use this option, play must continue until the players reach 24 hours on the Filibuster Track or a card that ends the Filibuster is drawn from the Time Deck.
Q: I bid a lot of influence but ended up losing the bidding phase. Why do I still pay my losing bid to the Treasury?
A: The best way to think of your influence bid is to think of it as the expenditure of influence to gather votes from other Senators within the party.
You would still earn all of those votes, but if someone used more of their influence within the party to gather even more votes, they would still walk away with the prize. Such is the way of politics...!
Q: Can I tell other players what's in my hand?
A: While we encourage table talk, wheeling and dealing, and robust discussion among all the players, there is one restriction the players should try to observe - you may not tell any other players the specific cards remaining in your hand.
Any other hints, clues, or general statements about your cards or questions about other players' cards are acceptable.
Q: How does discussion work before a vote?
A: When preparing for a vote, players may trade cards and/or influence, or make promises for such trades in exchange for a fellow Senator's vote. Of course, this is Politics.!
Players may choose to be as cooperative or as deceptive as they wish; a player may declare or trade whatever they wish, but ultimately they may choose whatever they want for their final vote.
Any cards or influenced paid or traded before a vote is final, even if the expected outcome does not occur. A particularly cunning Senator may use this to their personal advantage, or to sabotage a powerful opponent.
But be wary that such tactics could severely impair your ability to cooperate with the other Senators in the future, and could even cost the players the entire game!
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