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Rating: 6.1 Fair
Players: 2-5 players
Playing time: 30-4 minutes

Official Site: Official Fetus Feud website

Created by: Carson Hawkes, Kohlmann Kearley, Carson Hawkes

Published by: Antics LLC


Fetus Feud takes you into the womb for a fast paced strategic battle to be the first born. Players take turns playing cards like Ultrasound, Overdue Baby and Pregnancy Cravings to collect contraction cards.

Whoever has the most contraction cards when the Labor card is played is "crowned" the winner.

The deck contains attack, defense, and special cards that players can use to attack fellow wombmates, defend themselves and draft their hand.

The key is to end the game by playing the Labor or Induce Labor card when you think you have enough contraction cards to win.

Retail Price:$0

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