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This glossary explains all 59 locations and the rules introduced by their actions.

At the start of your very first game, you only need to reference the rules for the first 6 locations. Do not worry about all the other locations!

The Starting Locations #1 to #6

Location #1: Draw 2 fruits Draw 2 fruits from the stack.

This applies to all locations: Each time you draw from the stack, cards are always taken into your hand.

If the draw stack of fruits is empty and you need to draw more fruits, shuffle the discard pile and place it face down as the new draw stack. Then, continue to draw fruits.

Location #2: Exchange 1 banana for 2 fruits Give 1 banana from your hand to another player, who must give you 2 other fruits from his hand.

If you have 1 banana, you must give it away. If the other player has only 1 fruit in his hand, he must give you that fruit. Of course, he can give you another banana!

This applies to all locations: You will often exchange fruits (or other game components) with other players. If a player must give away a fruit, he chooses the fruit.

This applies to all locations: The words "another player" means you cannot choose yourself while "any player" includes you.

This applies to all locations showing a signpost: If you cannot fulfill the necessary requirements of these locations, you must forfeit the action on the card and can only draw 1 fruit from the stack. Otherwise you must use the written action.

This means for location #2, if you do not have a banana, you can only draw 1 fruit from the stack.

Location #3: Draw 1 fruit, then exchange 3 fruits.

Draw 1 fruit from the stack. Then, choose another player, who gives you 3 fruits from his hand. Take them into your hand and return any 3 cards to the player.

You may give any fruits from your hand to the other player including the fruits he gave you. If all other players have less than 3 fruits, you only draw 1 fruit from the stack and do not exchange fruits.

Location #4: Offer 1 fruit to everybody.

Place the fruits from your hand face up on the table. In turn order, the other players each may take 1 fruit into their hand. For each fruit taken you draw 2 fruits from the stack.

If you have 0 fruits in your hand, you can only draw 1 fruit from the stack.

Location #5: Draw back to 3 fruits.

Discard any number of fruits from your hand, then draw fruits from the stack until you have a total of 3 fruits in your hand.

If you have 3 or more fruits in your hand and do not want to discard any of them, you do not draw any fruits from the stack.

This applies to all locations: "Any number" includes 0.

Location #6: Take unique fruits.

Reveal fruits from the stack until you either take all of them into your hand, or until you reveal 1 type of fruit twice. In that case, discard all revealed fruits.

You reveal fruits one after the other. Each time, after revealing a new fruit, you must decide to take all revealed fruits or to reveal another fruit.

Both taking the fruits or discarding them ends your turn.

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